Uniden UDS655 Manual Do Utilizador

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or to not have a bright LCD when sleeping. If Power Saving mode is on, motion detection events 
will turn the LCD screen back on.
1.  From the SySteM SetuP screen, use VoL+
 and VoL- to select poWeR SAvinG; press m. The 
poWeR SAvinG screen displays. 
2.  Use Ch+ and Ch- to choose between 5 min, or 10 min; the third option is ALWAyS on
which keeps the system from entering Power Saving mode. Press m to accept the setting 
and return to the poWeR SAvinG screen.
multi Channel Idle Display
This screen lets you decide if the channels will display in quad mode or if they will cycle individually 
in 5, 10, or 15 second intervals.
1.  From the SySteM SetuP screen, use
 VoL+ and VoL- to select muLti cHAnneL idLe 
diSpLAy; press m. The muLti cHAnneL idLe diSpLAy screen displays.