Husqvarna LZF6127 Manual Do Utilizador

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Roll over Protection system (ROPS)
The ROPS increases the basic weight of the unit by 42 
lbs/19 kg. The ROPS on the US units are standard, on 
the European units the ROPS is an accessory. 
  Do not use ROPS as a lifting, attaching or 
anchoring point.
  Do not use ROPS for wrecking or towing.
  Do not exceed Max GVW: 2822 lbs/1283 kg.
  Read machine operator´s manual before 
each use.
  Securely fasten your seat belt if the unit has 
  Where possible, avoid operating the unit 
near ditches, embankments and holes.
  Reduce speed when turning, crossing 
slopes and on rough, slick or muddy 
  Stay off slopes too steep for safe operation.
  Watch where you are going, especially at 
row ends, on roads and around trees.
  Do not permit others to ride.
  Operate the mower smoothly - no jerky 
turns, starts or stops.
  When mower is stopped, set brakes 
securely and use park brake.
  If any part of ROPS is damaged, the entire 
ROPS must be replaced.
  Check all bolts including seat belt for correct 
torque before each use.
  Check ROPS structure for damage before 
each use.
ROPS bar is NOT intended for use in sub  
zero temperatures.
Spark Arresters
A spark arrester for the muffler is available through 
your authorized Husqvarna dealer.
The rollover protection 
system's capabilities may 
be impaired by damage if 
the mower is overturned 
or if alteration to the ROPS 
occurs. If these conditions 
take place, the total structure 
MUST be replaced.
This mower is equipped 
with an internal combustion 
engine and should not 
be used on or near any 
unimproved forested, bush 
covered or grassy lands 
unless the engine's system 
is equipped with a spark 
arrester meeting applicable 
local or state laws (if any). 
If a spark arrester is used, 
it should be maintained in 
effective working order by 
the operator.