Jacuzzi K339000X Manual Do Utilizador

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Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath   K339000X   3/06
Electronic Control Panel Operation 
(with optional Chromotherapy/Illumatherapy
All tubs in this product line come with electronic controls and standard Chromotherapy or Illumatherapy
.  Read and follow the
operation instructions for the control system of your unit.
General Functions
This Jacuzzi tub is equipped with a seven button electronic control panel.  The seven button panel controls a two speed pump/
motor, Chromotherapy or Illumatherapy
 lighting, air controls, and wave control.  LED lights (in the control panel) indicate function
levels.  When switching between functions, the LED for the inactive functions will dim and the active function will brighten.
The bath is equipped with a water level sensor(s).  When the water level is below the sensor, the pump/motor can not be
activated.  If the ON/OFF pump/motor button is pressed at this time, the pump/motor will not operate.  When the water goes
above the water level sensor, the pump/motor can be activated.  If the water level drops below the level sensor, the pump/motor
will shut OFF.  To restart the pump/motor after the water level goes above the level sensor, the ON/OFF pump/motor button must
be pressed.  The pump/motor will automatically shut off 30 minutes after the pump/motor was turned on.
NOTE: Ensure the water level sensor located inside the bath is free of any soap or dirt buildup.
Bath Light 
Right Air Valve 
Left Air Valve 
Left Air Valve 
Status LED 
Right Air Valve 
Status LED 
Status LED 
Wave Function 
Toggle Buttons
Normal Operation 
(with the bath filled to the proper level)
Pump/Motor Switch 
Pressing the 
 button will turn ON the two speed pump/
motor at HIGH speed.  Pressing a second time will turn OFF
the pump/motor. To change speeds use the Toggle buttons.
Pump/Motor Status LED
 When the pump/motor is ON at HIGH speed all four LED
indicator lights will be lit.  When the pump/motor is ON at
LOW speed the bottom LED indicator light will be lit.
Left Air Valve Switch
Pressing this 
 button will acitvate the left air valves use
the Toggle buttons to increase/decrease air flow to the left set
of jets.  The air flow can be adjusted from no air to maximum
Left Air Valve Status LED
 The Left Air Valve Status LED will show four LED lights at
maximum air and only one LED light when the air is turned
OFF.  Each additional LED indicates more air flow.
Right Air Valve Switch
Pressing this 
 button will acitvate the right air valves. Use
the Toggle buttons to increase/decrease air flow to the right
set of jets.  The air flow can be adjusted from no air to maxi-
mum air.
Right Air Valve Status LED
The Right Air Valve Status LED will show four LED lights at
maximum air and only one LED light when the air is turned
OFF.  Each additional LED indicates more air flow.
Bath Light Switch 
Pressing this 
 button will turn ON the white bath light(s).
Pressing the Toggle buttons at this time will increase or de-
crease light intensity.  Pressing the  button a second time will
access the saved favorite color.  To cycle lighting colors use
the Toggle button. Pressing the Toggle button again will stop
the light cycling.  The color displayed when the cycle has been
stopped will be saved as your favorite color.  Pressing the
button a third time to turn OFF the light.
NOTE: When switching between functions, the LED for
the inactive functions will dim and the active function will
Wave Function Switch 
Pressing this 
 button activates wave action by opening
and closing both right and left air valves. Pressing a second
time will turn OFF the wave action.
Toggle Buttons
The Toggle buttons, up 
 and down 
, act on each of the
other buttons to increase, decrease, or modify functionality.
Use the up arrow to increase and the down arrow to decrease.
• Pressing a toggle button after pressing the Pump/Motor
button will increase or decrease speeds on the Pump/Mo-
tor. If the pump/motor is on HIGH speed press the down
arrow to select LOW speed.  If the pump/motor is on LOW
speed press the up arrow to select HIGH speed.
• Pressing an up or down toggle button after pressing the
Bath Light button once will increase or decrease the white
light brightness.  Pressing an up or down toggle button
after pressing the Bath Light button twice will begin cycling
the light colors.  Leave the colors cycling or press the same
toggle button again to stop the color cycling.  With the lights
stopped on a color pressing the Bath Light button a third
time will turn OFF the light. (A favorite color will be saved
ONLY when the cycling has been stopped on that color
and then turned OFF.)