Roland V-Synth GT Manual Do Utilizador

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Patch Mode (Editing a Tone)
A patch consists of a combination of two tones. This chapter will explain how to edit these tones, and what the tone 
parameters do.
Broadly speaking, there are two ways to create a tone.
Using a template to create a patch intuitively (Sound Shaper II)
By using the Sound Shaper II function, you can select a group and template that is close to the sound you want, 
and then simply turn the knobs to edit the important aspects of the sound, just like a professional sound designer 
(p. 158).
Creating a patch from scratch (Pro Edit)
Based on the tones the V-Synth GT provides, you can combine eight elements (sections) and edit the parameters 
of each section to create new sounds (p. 85).
If you want to create all your tones from the ground up, rather than the tones that have already been prepared, carry 
out the Initialize operation (p. 84).
When you save the tone, any data previously stored at the save destination will be overwritten and lost.
Creating a Tone
Four Tips for Editing Tones
● Select a tone that is similar to the sound you wish to create.
It’s hard to create a new sound that’s exactly what you want if you just select a tone and modify its parameters 
at random. It makes sense to start with a tone whose sound is related to what you have in mind.
● Check the Structure setting.
The structure type is an important parameter which determines how the eight sections are combined. Before 
you actually begin editing, you should understand how the sections are related to each other (p. 28).
● Decide which section(s) you will use.
When creating a tone, it is very important to decide which section(s) you will use. In the Edit screen of each 
section, use the on/off switch to specify whether that section will be used (on) or not used (off). You can also 
use the on/off buttons located in the STRUCTURE section of the V-Synth GT’s panel.
● Turn Effects off.
Since the V-Synth GT effects have such a profound impact on its sounds, turn them off to listen to the sound 
itself so you can better evaluate the changes you’re making. Since you will hear the original sound of the tone 
itself when the effects are turned off, the results of your modifications will be easier to hear. Actually, sometimes 
just changing effects settings can give you the sound you want. 80 ページ 2007年4月9日 月曜日 午後1時46分