Korg SP-500 Manual Do Utilizador

Página de 87
Two notes will normally be added 
below the melody to create three voices 
(sometimes three notes will be added to create 
four voices).
Two notes will normally be added 
above the melody to create three voices (some-
times three notes will be added to create four 
Two notes will be added an octave 
above and below the melody.
Power Ens.: 
Notes will be added a fourth 
below and an octave below the melody to cre-
ate three voices.
Notes will be added a fourth above 
and a minor seventh above the melody to cre-
ate three voices.
Three notes will be added below the 
melody plus an octave below it, creating five 
Brass Ens.: 
Three notes will be added below 
the melody, creating four voices.
Reed Ens.: 
A three-note chord with a different 
inversion than added by “Block” will be 
added below the melody, plus an octave 
below the melody, creating five voices.
Select the type of ensemble
Press one of the radio buttons to select the 
desired type of ensemble.
Different harmony will be added accord-
ing to the type of ensemble you select.
To turn off the Ensemble function
Press the [ENSEMBLE] button once again.
To change the variation
Each rhythm style allows you to choose four differ-
ent variations.
While automatic accompaniment 
is playing, select the “Variation” 
Press the “Variation” Cell, and use the 
dial or the [VALUE] switches to specify 
the variation. The accompaniment will 
switch to the selected variation at the next 
beat or measure. 
If you specify “After Fill” in the “Accompani-
ment” page (☞p.44), playback will automati-
cally switch to the specified variation after a 
fill is played. This lets you add variety to the 
way in which your song develops.
The content of the variations, intros, and end-
ings will differ according to the rhythm style.
Adding an intro
You can add an intro to the beginning of the auto-
matic accompaniment. After the intro has been 
played, the variation will begin playing.
Each rhythm style has two intros and two endings.
• When you press the [INTRO/ENDING 1] switch, 
an intro or ending with a chord progression will 
be played.
• When you press the [INTRO/ENDING 2] switch, 
a simple intro or ending without a chord progres-
sion will be played.
Press the [INTRO/ENDING 1] 
switch or the [INTRO/ENDING 2] 
Press the [START/STOP] switch
The automatic accompaniment intro will 
When the intro ends, the accompaniment 
will switch to the variation you selected 
in the main page.
The indicator of the [INTRO/ENDING 1, 
2] switch you selected will be lit while the 
intro is playing, and dark when the varia-
tion begins playing.
To repeat the intro
If you press the same [INTRO/ENDING] 
switch while the intro is playing, that 
intro will continue playing repeatedly. 
The repeated playback will be cancelled if 
you press the other [INTRO/ENDING] 
switch or the [FILL 1, 2] switch, or if you 
re-select the “Variation” Cell.
To cancel the intro
Before starting automatic accompani-
ment, you can press a [FILL 1, 2] switch to 
cancel the intro.
After starting automatic accompaniment, 
you can press the [START/STOP] switch 
to stop playback and cancel the intro 
Once the intro has started, it cannot be can-
celled by pressing a [FILL 1, 2] switch.
It is also possible to select either fill to be used 
an intro.
“Variation” cell