IBM DS6000 Manual Do Utilizador

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IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
13.10  Hardware requirements
Metro Mirror is an optional licensed function of the IBM System Storage DS6000 series. 
All DS6000 series licensed functions are enabled, authorized, managed, activated, and 
enforced based upon the physical capacity contained in a 1750 system. Particularly for Metro 
Mirror, the DS6000 must have the Remote Mirror and Copy (RMC) licensed function, with the 
corresponding feature #531x, based on the physical capacity.
For additional information on the DS6000 licensed function features, also refer to Appendix C, 
“Licensing” on page 525.
Metro Mirror pairs can only be established between disk subsystems of the same (or similar) 
type and features. For example, a DS6000 can have a Metro Mirror pair with another 
DS6000, a DS8000, an ESS 800, or an ESS 750. It cannot have a Metro Mirror pair with an 
RVA or an ESS F20.
Note that all disk subsystems must have the appropriate Metro Mirror feature installed. If your 
DS6000 is being mirrored to an ESS disk subsystem, the ESS must have PPRC Version 2 
(which supports Fibre Channel links) with the appropriate licensed internal code level (LIC).
Refer to the DS6000 Interoperability Matrix for more information at:
Note: For a detailed explanation of the features involved and the considerations you must 
have when ordering Metro Mirror, refer to the IBM System Storage DS6000 Series (IBM 
1750-522) announcement letter. 
IBM announcement letters can be found at: