Fluke A70M Manual Do Utilizador

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© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company 
•  <DUT tolerance:>:  Enter the DUT measurement uncertainty, accuracy or 
precision specification as desired in 
± % FS (percent of full scale).  This value will 
be used to determine appropriate RPM4 resolution and stability test settings. 
•  <Test increment:>:  Enter the test increment in % FS of the DUT.  
When executing the test, the test increments will be from zero to the DUT full 
scale, dividing by the value of the increment.  If a non-even increment value is 
entered, the actual increments will be rounded to the lower number of 
increments.  For example, if the DUT full scale is 10 000 psi and the increment 
specified is 42 %, the Sequence will run points of 0, 5 000 and 10 000 psi 
because 42 % goes into 100 less than three but more than two times. 
•  <Test point sequence:>:  Select <1up> for the AutoTest sequence to run 
from zero to the DUT full scale; <2down> for the sequence to start at the 
DUT full scale and run down to zero, <3u&d> for the sequence to run from 
zero to the DUT full scale and back to zero; <4d&u> for the sequence to run 
from the DUT full scale down to zero and back to the DUT full scale. 
After the last test definition entry, a screen is offered for the user to check that 
the correct test has been defined or selected and that it does not exceed the 
range of the device or system being tested.  : 
1. Indication of minimum and maximum 
pressure included in the sequence which is 
about to run. 
ENTER to run psi g  
0.000 to 5000.0      
Pressing [ESC] returns to the AutoTest selection screen without AutoRanging the 
RPM4 and without sequence execution.  Pressing [ENT] causes the RPM4 to 
AutoRange based upon the DUT characteristics (see Section 3.3.4) and the 
AutoTest proceeds to text execution (see Section  To AutoRange the 
RPM4 based on DUT characteristics but not run a test sequence, [ESC] right 
after AutoRanging completes (at the <Set valve for …> screen).  TEST EXECUTION 
The last step of test initialization is to AutoRange the RPM4 (see Section, then test execution begins. 
The first step of test execution is to set 
the HPMS Lo Q-RPT isolation valve 
correctly for the Q-RPT that will be used 
to run the test (see 3.2.5).  The RPM4 
display is (<XX> is Lo or Hi): 
Set valve for XX RPT  
Set supply to DUT FS  
Set the HPMS isolation valve to shut off or use the RPM4’s Lo Q-RPT as indicated 
by the HPMS valve indicator LED (see Section 3.2.5). Turn the valve knob fully 
towards the lit valve indicator LED until it reaches its stop.  If using a GPC1 to adjust 
pressure, set the GPC1 supply regulator so the GPC1 supply is equal to the DUT full 
scale pressure (see the GPC1 Operation and Maintenance Manual).  Press [ENT] 
when ready to proceed with the test. 
  To abort the test but use the RPM4 with the settings for the DUT that was 
initialized, press [ESCAPE] from the <SET VALVE FOR xx PRT> screen.  This can be 
useful for setting up the RPM4 to make DUT adjustments or run tests other than 
the one defined by the AutoTest.