Dialogic 6.2 Manual Do Utilizador

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Placing Calls on Hold Using BSMI
November 2009
Example 1
l43msg->msgtype = L4L3mUNIVERSAL;
l43msg->data.universal.msg_id        = MT_DL_RETRIEVE;
Example 2
#define IEID_CAUSE       0x08 //CAUSE IE ID code
#define EXTENSION_BIT    0x80 //extension bit for an octet
l43msg->msgtype = L4L3mUNIVERSAL;
l43msg->data.universal.msg_id        = MT_DL_RETRIEVE_REJ;
l43msg->data.universal.ie_count      = 1; //must equal all IEs
l43msg->data.universal.ie.ie_id         = IEID_CAUSE; 
l43msg->data.universal.ie.ie_length     = 2;
l43msg->data.universal.ie.ie_data[0]    = EXTENSION_BIT | Coding_standard |  
Location;  //where Coding_standard and Location are from ITU-T Q.850 
// subclause 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 respectively
l43msg->data.universal.ie.ie_data[1]    = EXTENSION_BIT | Cause ; //where Cause 
is from ITU-T Q.850 subclause 2.2.5
For more information on L4L3mUNIVERSAL and 
L3L4mUNIVERSAL, see Volume 5, Bfv API Reference Manual.