Citrix Systems 9.2 Manual Do Utilizador

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Chapter 9        Advanced Expressions: String Sets, String Patterns, and Data Formats
Associate a pattern with the named pattern set, as follows:
bind policy patset pattern_name pattern
Where pattern_name is the name of a pattern that you want to configure 
and pattern is an actual text pattern. Following is an example:
add policy patset myPatSet 
bind policy patset myPatSet aaa
bind policy patset myPatSet bbb
bind policy patset myPatSet ccc
To view the named pattern set and its associated patterns, enter the 
following command:
show policy patset pattern_name 
Where pattern_name is the name of a pattern that you want to view.
Configure the pattern set as part of an expression in a policy.
For more information, see 
. Following is an example that uses the pattern set myPatSet, and 
returns TRUE if the value of the HTTP header named myHeader contains 
any of the strings that you defined earlier in this procedure:
add cache policy testPatSet -rule 
http.req.header("myHeader").contains_any("myPatSet") -action 
To configure and use an index-based pattern set using the NetScaler 
command line
At a NetScaler command prompt, type:
add policy patset patternName
Where pattern_name is the name of a pattern that you want to configure.
Associate a pattern and an index with the named pattern set, as follows:
bind policy patset patternName pattern -index number
Where patternName is the name of a pattern that you want to configure, 
pattern is an actual text pattern, and number is the index value. Following is 
an example:
add policy patset myPatSet1 
bind policy patset myPatSet1 aaa -index 1
bind policy patset myPatSet1 bbb -index 5
bind policy patset myPatSet1 ccc -index 4
To view the named pattern set and its associated patterns, type: