Lucent Technologies 9076 Manual Do Utilizador

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 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Step 1. Check SNMP in the SP Switch Router system
Step 1.  Check SNMP in the SP Switch Router system 
Check the
 file to see if a management station and community are defined, 
and if traps are enabled. Network monitoring devices (management stations) can request or 
access the SP Switch Router’s SNMP information. 
Follow the procedure described in Chapter 2 of the GRF Configuration and Management 
manual, “Configure SNMP.” Note that the 
 statements are in 
the default 
 file, and must not be removed. 
Here is an 
 file appropriate for the SP Switch Router connected to an SP 
system. This configuration assumes two SP control workstations manage the SP Switch Router 
Adapter cards. Refer to the “SNMP configuration overview” section in Chapter 1 of this 
manual for background about the values to specify on the MANAGER and COMMUNITY 
statements that correspond to the SP SNMP Managers.                                 
In the example, the IP addresses of the two SP control workstations are and You will see them defined under “MANAGER”.  The example assumes that both 
SP SNMP Managers listen for traps on UDP port 162 and that no other SNMP management 
programs that need UDP port 162 are installed on the SP control workstations.
# Default Agent Configuration File
#       This file allows MANAGERS to be specified.  This is used to
#       specify which managers will be receiving which traps.
#       Also, COMMUNITYs can be specified. This allows that agent to
#       be configured such that it will only accept requests from
#       certain managers and with certain community strings.
#     INITIAL         <name> <String>
#     TRANSPORT       <name>
#                     [SNMP | SMUX]
#                     [OVER [UNIX | UDP | TCP] [SOCKET | TLI]]
#                     [AT <addr>]
#     MANAGER         <addr> [ON TRANSPORT <name>]
#                     [SEND [ALL | NO | traplist] TRAPS
#                             [TO PORT <#> ]
#                             [WITH COMMUNITY <name>]]
#     COMMUNITY       <name>
#                     ALLOW op [,op]* [OPERATIONS]
#                     [AS <name>]
#                     [USE encrypt ENCRYPTION]
#                     [MEMBERS                <addr> [,<addr>] ]
#     ALLOW <subagentId> [ON <hostSpec>]
#           WITH <passwordSpec> [<entitySpec>] [<timeout>]
#     DENY <subagentId> ON <hostSpec> WITH <passwordSpec>