Netopia 4000-Series Manual Do Utilizador

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2-22  Firmware User Guide
Circuit Enabled allows you to enable or disable the circuit, using the Tab key. The default is enabled.
Traffic Type allows you to select which type of traffic will be routed on this circuit, Voice or Data. If you 
choose Voice, the Connection Profile is field becomes unavailable and does not display.
Circuit VPI allows you to specify the Vir tual Path Identifier (VPI) value for the circuit. The default VPI value 
for both ADSL and cell-based DSL is zero (0).
Circuit VCI allows you to specify the Vir tual Channel Identifier (VCI) value for the circuit. The default VCI 
value depends on the type of DSLAM to which you are connecting.
Accessing the Connection Profile Is field in the Change Circuit menu depends not on the number of 
Connection Profiles you have created, but the number of data VCs you have added. (See 
.) If you have more than one data VC you can choose how Connection Profiles 
are associated with VCs, other wise you get default behavior and the Connection Profile Is field cannot be 
Monitoring multiple virtual circuits
The General Statistics screen adds a selection for ATM VC Statistics.
To access the ATM VC Statistics screen navigate from the Main Menu to Statistics & Logs then General 
The General Statistics screen appears.
& Logs
                               General Statistics
  Physical I/F-----Rx Bytes---Tx Bytes---Rx Pkts---Tx Pkts----Rx Err----Tx Err
  Ethernet Hub            0          0         0         0         0         0
  Aux Async               0          0         0         0         0         0
  ATM SDSL 1          22152       5092       403       404         0         0
  Network----------Rx Bytes---Tx Bytes---Rx Pkts---Tx Pkts----Rx Err----Tx Err
  IP                      0          0         0         0         0         0
  VC Traffic Statistics...