Netopia 4752 Manual Do Utilizador

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10-18  Administration Guide
Configuring the IP Address Server options
To access the enhanced DHCP ser ver functions, from the Main Menu navigate to Statistics & Logs and then 
Served IP Addresses.
The following example shows the Ser ved IP Addresses screen after three clients have leased IP addresses. The 
first client did not provide a Host Name in its DHCP messages; the second and third clients did.
The rightmost column displays the host name supplied by the client if one was provided; other wise it displays 
the client identifier. (If a host name is displayed, the client identifier is still accessible in a Details pop-up menu. 
See below.)
Note: The ser ver does not quer y the client for its host name. Macintosh computers running versions of MacOS 
prior to MacOS version 8.5 (OT 2.0.1, TCP/IP 2.0.1) do not supply a host name option in their DHCP messages, 
so no host name will appear in the Ser ved IP Addresses list.
Ser ved IP
Statistics & Logs
                              Served IP Addresses
 -IP Address------Type----Expires—-Host Name/Client Identifier-----------------
 ----------------------------------SCROLL UP-----------------------------------    DHCP    00:59    EN: 00-00-C5-70-00-04    DHCP    00:59    Bill’s Pentium    DHCP    00:45    Steve’s Power Mac
 ---------------------------------SCROLL DOWN----------------------------------
 Lease Management...