RAD Data comm ASMi-52 Manual Do Utilizador

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Chapter 4  Configuration 
Installation and Operation Manual 
Configuring ASMi-52 System Parameters
ASMi-52 Ver. 2.5 
To configure the security timeout: 
1.  From the Terminal menu, select Security Timeout (Main menu > 
Configuration > System Configuration > Control Port > Port Control > 
Terminal > Security Timeout) to configure the timeout: FOREVER (timeout is 
disabled) or 10 MIN (idle disconnect time – 10 min). 
The display is refreshed and a new value appears. 
2. Select Save to save the changes. 
To change the dial-out parameters: 
When the CONTROL port is configured to the dial out mode, you must specify 
the dial-out parameters of the port. This enables ASMi-52 to build the call 
command that is sent to the dial-out modem. When connecting the dial-out 
modem, you must use a cross cable (see 
Appendix A
 for the cross cable pinout). 
The modem connected to the CONTROL connector must be set up as follows (for 
convenience, the Hayes commands required to select the specified parameters are 
listed in brackets): 
•  Auto-answer mode (AT S0=1 and AT S1=1
•  Call set up in response to the CONNECT string (AT X0
•  No echo (AT E0
•  Verbose mode (no codes, e.g., CONNECT string instead of 0) (AT V1). 
1.  From the Port Control menu (see 
Figure 4-22
), select Dial out (Main menu > 
Configuration > System Configuration > Control Port > Port Control > Port 
Control Mode > Dial Out). 
The Dial Out menu appears (see 
Figure 4-26
2.  From the Dial Out menu, type the following: 
 to instruct ASMi-52 to report all alarms (ALL), only major ones (MAJOR), 
or disable alarm reporting (NONE). 
 to specify the number of dialing retries. 0, no redialing attempts are made 
if the call is not established on the first attempt. 18, if the call is not 
established on the first attempt, ASMi-52 makes the specified number of 
This parameter applies to both primary and alternate numbers: 
If the call is not established after dialing the primary directory number 
the specified number of times, ASMi-52 attempts to establish the call by 
dialing the alternate directory number (provided the use of an alternate 
number is enabled). 
If the call is not established within the specified number of redialing 
attempts on neither of the two directory numbers, ASMi-52 stops the 
call attempts. When a new alarm report must be sent, the call attempts 
are started again. The user is notified that the call attempts failed by a 
message recorded in the alarm log file (separate messages are provided 
for each directory number).