ZyXEL Communications P-2602R-DxA Series Manual Do Utilizador

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P-2602R/RL-DxA Series User’s Guide
Chapter 10 Voice
Figure 60   SIP Redirect Server  SIP Register Server
A SIP register server maintains a database of SIP identity-to-IP address (or domain name) 
mapping. The register server checks your user name and password when you register.  Multiple SIP Accounts
You can set up 2 SIP accounts on your ZyXEL Device and your ZyXEL Device is equipped 
with 2 phone ports. When 2 SIP accounts are configured, the ZyXEL Device uses SIP account 
1 for both phone ports for your outgoing calls. The ZyXEL Device also directs calls coming in 
from both SIP accounts to both phone ports. You can configure a specific phone port, for 
example phone port 1, to only receive calls from a specific SIP account and make phone calls 
via a specific SIP account, for example SIP account 1. This is useful when you have different 
calling plans associated with your SIP accounts and want to manage your costs. 
10.3  SIP Settings Screen
Use this screen to maintain basic information about each SIP account. You can also enable and 
disable each SIP account. To access this screen, click VoIP > SIP > SIP Settings.
Note: If you configure more than one SIP account, you need to configure Analog 
Phone settings in 
 to distinguish between them 
when you make and receive phone calls.