Netgear NETGEAR Manual Do Utilizador

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User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300S Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software 
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
202-10088-01, March 2005
To specify the match condition as a numeric value, one layer 4 port number is required. The port 
number is an integer from 0 to 65535.
To specify the match condition as a range, rwo layer 4 port numbers are required and together they 
specify a contiguous port range. Each port number is an integer from 0 to 65535, but with the 
added requirement that the second number be equal to or greater than the first. The optional [
parameter has the effect of negating this match condition for the class (i.e., match all source layer 4 
ports except for those within the range specified here). 
The optional [
parameter has the effect of negating this match condition for the class (i.e., 
match all source layer 4 port numbers except for the one specified here). 
match [not] srcl4port {portkey | <0-65535>} [0-65535]
Class-Map Config
match vlan
This command adds to the specified class definition a match condition based on the value of the 
layer 2 VLAN Identifier field (the only tag in a single tagged packet or the first or outer tag of a 
double VLAN tagged packet). The VLAN ID is an integer from 1 to 4094. The optional [
parameter has the effect of negating this match condition for the class (i.e., match all VLAN 
Identifier values except for what is specified here).
match [not] vlan <1-4094>
Class-Map Config
Policy Commands
The 'policy' command set is used in DiffServ to define:
Traffic Conditioning  
Specify traffic conditioning actions (policing, marking, shaping) 
to apply to traffic classes
Service Provisioning  
Specify bandwidth and queue depth management requirements of 
service levels (EF, AF, etc.)
The policy commands are used to associate a traffic class, which was defined by the class 
command set, with one or more QoS policy attributes. This association is then assigned to an 
interface to form a service. The user specifies the policy name when the policy is created.