ABL electronic Scamax 5000 Manual Do Utilizador

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Scanner Options
Scamax 2600 / 5000
When using the %%I fieldcode and a longer lead or trail text in the 
endorser setup, the printout may be cut at the end. Hence, it is 
recommended that the user test the printout on any document 
before starting a "real” scan job. 
Below the preview areas for the fixed text field and numeric fields there is a display showing how 
many characters are left for each field.  
The symbol 
 indicates that enough space is available to print the complete text. 
It will change to 
 when the length of the print may vary.  The part where length cannot be 
calculated is then represented by a question mark. 
The symbol changes to 
 as soon as the valid number of characters is surpassed. 
To enable a printout, the endorser must first be enabled: 
Class Configuration | Data Source | Scanner | Options
At the bottom of the Options page the user will find the edit field String. Here the code %%I must be 
entered. This causes the printout of the full endorser text – first the fixed field and then the numeric 
Illustration 11 – Enabling the Endorser 
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