Windsor 10023020 Manual Do Utilizador

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LIGHTNING  86039180  05/23/07 
This machine is only as fast as you allow it to be. It 
is imperative that you keep the floor wet with 
stripping solution while stripping and remove the 
sludge quickly and completely. Rinsing thoroughly 
before re-coating with sealer or floor finish. 
1.  Clear all areas of all displays. Remove any dust 
and stickers from floor. 
2.  Prepare stripping solution according to 
instructions on label. 
3.  Apply solution to the floor using a mop or other 
method of application. KEEP FLOOR WET 
4.  Allow 10 minutes or so for solution to penetrate 
floor coating. 
5.  Using a “doodle bug” scrape the edges clear of 
floor finish. 
6.  Begin stripping with the machine. (one pass is 
generally all that is needed). 
7.  Follow the machine with recovery of sludge and 
damp mop. NOTE: rinse floor thoroughly. 
Keep both models moving. Running the machine in 
one place for more than a few seconds may damage 
the floor. 
Exhaust emissions contain harmful toxic gases. The 
worst being carbon monoxide. Do not operate the 
machine in confined areas for prolonged times. 
Always make certain that adequate ventilation is 
Never engage clutch in the fast run position or with 
the pad on the floor, this may cause damage to the 
clutch and the floor. 
Be careful not to allow the machine to come in 
contact with loose tiles or other obstruction on the 
floor. The pad is turning at approximately 2000 
RPM. If loose objects are hit by revolving pad they 
could become dangerous missiles. 
In case of an emergency, the machine can be 
brought to an instant stop by: 
1.  Pull the throttle back to stop position or turn key 
switch to OFF, if equipped. 
2.  Close service valve on the fuel cylinder. 
3.  If the machine is equipped with a “Kill Switch”, 
activate the switch. 
The engine may backfire when stopped in this 
1.  Close the service valve on the fuel cylinder while 
the engine is running. This serves to “purge” the 
fuel system of all flammable gas. 
2.  Tilt the machine back on it’s rear caster and 
allow the engine to run until it stops. 
3.  Turn the key switch OFF if equipped. 
Do not leave the machine unattended while the 
engine is running for long periods of time. If 
necessary to leave the machine for short periods to 
move a display etc. move the throttle lever to idle 
position and tip machine back on the rear caster. 
It has been the accepted practice to start buffing 
from the right side of the aisles. Most smaller 
machines are offset to the right to allow buffing close 
on that side.  
When transporting the machine from one site to 
another, secure the machine with the fuel cylinder 
installed and the service valve OFF. Allow the 
engine to cool down some before loading the 
machine for transport. 
When storing the machine, remove the propane 
cylinder and store outside. (see pg. 3-3 for Storage 
of Fuel Cylinders) Perform all daily maintenance 
procedures. Store machine in a cool, dry, secure 
area where it will not be damaged by other traffic. 
Tilt the machine back on the rear caster with the pad 
off of the floor.  