Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 Guia De Rede

Página de 1162
Creating Policies
Configuring QoS
page 40-36
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
September 2009
-> policy condition c3 source ip
-> policy action a7 priority 7
-> policy rule rule5 condition c3 action a7
The rule (rule5) will only take effect after the qos apply command is entered. For more information about 
the qos apply command, see 
The policy rule command may specify the following keywords: 
In addition, a policy rule may be administratively disabled or re-enabled using the policy rule command. 
By default rules are enabled. For a list of rule defaults, see 
Information about using the policy rule command options is given in the next sections.
Configuring a Rule Validity Period
A validity period specifies the days and times during which a rule is in effect. By default there is no valid-
ity period associated with a rule, which means the rule is always active. 
To configure the days, months, times, and/or time intervals during which a rule is active, use the 
 command. Once the validity period is defined, it is then associated with a rule using the 
 command. For example, the following commands create a validity period named vp01 and 
associate it with rule r01:
-> policy validity period vp01 hours 13:00 to 19:00 days monday friday
-> policy rule r01 validity period vp01
Note the following when using validity periods to restrict the times when a rule is active:
• Only one validity period is associated with a policy rule. Each time this command is entered with a 
validity period name specified, the existing period name is overwritten with the new one.
• A rule is only in effect when all the parameters of its validity period are true. In the above example, 
rule r01 is only applied between 13:00 and 19:00 on Mondays and Fridays. During all other times and 
days, the rule is not applied.
• Software and hardware resources are allocated for rules associated with a validity period even if the 
validity period is not active. Pre-allocating the resources makes sure the rule can be enforced when the 
validity period becomes active.
Disabling Rules
By default, rules are enabled. Rules may be disabled or re-enabled through the policy rule command using 
the disable and enable options. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 disable
This command prevents rule5 from being used to classify traffic.
policy rule keywords
validity period
log interval