Netopia r6100 Guia De Referência

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WAN and System Configuration   8-7
Auxiliary Serial Port configuration
By default, the Auxiliar y Serial Por t is enabled for an asynchronous modem. 
If the AppleTalk feature set is installed, then LocalTalk becomes the default option. You can also specify it to be 
Unused by selecting it from the Aux Serial Port pop-up menu.
For modem applications, a Data Rate pop-up menu offers a limited set of serial data rates. 57.6 is the 
default setting.
If you have attached an external modem, you can specify an Aux Modem Init String. Consult your modem’s 
documentation for the correct initialization string for your modem. If you have enabled the optional 
AppleTalk feature, the modem options are hidden.
You can enter the Aux Modem Directory Number to dial in this field.
Press Escape to return to the Choose Inter face to Configure screen.
                         Auxiliary Port Configuration
         Aux Serial Port...                 Async Modem
         Data Rate (kbps)...                57.6
         Aux Modem Init String:             AT&F&C1&D2E0S0=1
         Aux Modem Directory Number: