Crown ce-1000 Manual Suplementar

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CE Series Service Manual
Rev.  D
1.3  Specifications
Crown specifications are guaranteed for three years.
Further, we guarantee that every Crown amplifier will
or exceed its published specs.
1.3.1 Performance
 Measurements made in Stereo, both channels
driven into 8 ohms.
Frequency Response:  ± 0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at
1 watt.
Phase Response: ±15° from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at 1 watt.
Signal to Noise at 8 Ohms Rated Power:  >105 dB A
Weighted. >100 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD): <0.5% from 20 Hz to 1
I.M. Distortion (60 Hz and 7 kHz at 4:1): <0.1% from 8
ohms rated power to -35 dB.
Damping Factor: >400 from 10 Hz to 400 Hz.
: >–55 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.
Common Mode Rejection (CMR)::::: >70 dB from 20-Hz to
1 kHz.
1.3.2  Power
Output Power:  (Max. average power at 1 kHz with 0.5%
CE 1000 Stereo: 275 W/channel into 8 ohms, 450 W/
channel into 4 ohms, 560 W/channel into 2 ohms,
both channels driven.
CE 1000 Bridged Mono:  900 W into 8 ohms, 1100 W
into 4 ohms.
CE 2000 Stereo: 400 W/channel into 8 ohms, 660 W/
channel into 4 ohms, 975 W/channel into 2 ohms,
both channels driven.
CE 2000 Bridged Mono: 1320 W into 8 ohms, 1950 W
into 4 ohms.
Load Impedance: Rated for 16-, 8-, 4-, and 2-ohm use.
Safe with all types of loads, even reactive ones.
AC Power CE 1000: 120V/50-60 Hz @ 6.3 amps, 230-
240V/50 Hz @ 3.5 amps, 100V/50 Hz @ 7.6 amps
AC Power CE 2000: 120V/50-60 Hz @ 9.5 amps, 230-
240V/50 Hz @ 5.1 amps, 100V/50 Hz @ 11.4 amps
1.3.3  Controls
Front Panel:  An on/off rocker switch; also, a detented
rotary level control for each channel.
Back Panel:  A two-position input sensitivity switch
located below the input connectors. Can be set to 1.4
V for full output into an 8-ohm load, or set to a fixed
voltage gain of 26 dB; Some models have an internal
jumper located on the Main PWA for setting optional
0.775V sensitivity. A two-position mode switch located
below the input connectors. When turned to stereo,
the amplifier operates as two independent channels.
When in “bridge-mono” mode the amplifier bridges
the two output channels for twice the output voltage.
1.3.4  Indicators
A green LED SIGNAL indicator for each channel,  which
flashes when a very low level signal (>–40 dBm) is present
at input.
A red LED CLIP indicator for each channel which turns on
when distortion becomes audible in the amplifier output.
A red FAULT  indicator which will blink under 5 different
1. When the amplifier is first powered up, until the unit
is ready for operation.
2. If the heatsinks reach a temperature above nor-
mal working limits.
3.  If the transformer thermal protection circuit is acti-
4. If the load on the amplifier develops a short- cir-
5. Should the amplifier ouput stage become non-op-
A green LED POWER indicator that turns on when the am-
plifier has been turned on and has power.
1.3.5  Input/Output
Input Stage:
 Input is electronically balanced and employs
precision 1% resistors.
Input Impedance: Nominally 20 K ohms, balanced. Nominally
10 K ohms, unbalanced.
Input Sensitivity: 1.4 volts for standard 1-kHz power or fixed
26-dB gain.
Output Impedance: <20 milliohms in series with less than 3
microhenries in stereo mode.
DC Output Offset: <±10 millivolts.
1.3.6  Connectors
Inputs:  One Neutrik Combo connector for each channel
which features a balanced 
-inch phone jack and a 3-pin
female XLR connector, in parallel with a barrier strip
Outputs:    Two Neutrik Speakon
 NL4MP (mates with
NL4FC) output connectors. Optional binding post and
barrier block output adaptors are available on the CE
1000A and CE2000A, and are standard on some models.
1.3.7  Construction
Rugged steel chassis  formed into a durable package  that
is coated with enviromentally friendly powder for long life
and ease of maintenance.
Introduction  1-2