Matsunichi pf5e Guia Do Utilizador

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At anytime, you can press any button to bring up this function bar.
The function is as describe as below.
The icons in function bar orders match 
to your PF5e buttons.
There are two different Function Bar modes on this device.
A. Photo Mode 
B. Clock Mode  
To switch between these two modes, toggle Mode button. Also press and hold Mode 
button (#1)  for 2 seconds, the PF5e screen will be turned off (Standby).  
1. Photo Mode
: Toggle Mode Button to select Photo Mode. 
The function bar function in the Photo mode is as below: 
                            1        2       3       4       5       6        7
3-2  Function Bar Options
This icon shows you that you are in Photo mode now. Switch to Clock mode
or press and hold 2 seconds to go Standby.
Rotate image clockwise 90 degrees
Previous photo and Pause
Play/Pause slideshow
Next Photo and Pause
Change photo display to fit 4:3 and 16:9 photo.
Color Correction. To adjust photo color or brightness.
2. Clock Mode:
 Toggle Mode Button to select Clock Mode. 
     The function bar function in the Clock mode is as below: 
                                          1         2      3      4       5       6      7
This icon shows you that you are in Clock mode now.  Switch to Photo mode
or press and hold 2 seconds to go StandBy.
Change Time. Select button (#2) to adjust the displayed time. When the Change 
Time function is selected, the displayed of the clock time will be highlighted in 
yellow.  After setting the time, press Select button (#2) to return back to normal 
clock mode. 
No function.
Change Hour+
Change Minute+
No function.
No function.
Slideshow Transistion & Interval Time
There are 14 slide transistion modes that will change randomly during a slide show.  
The interval time between images is about 4 seconds.  Both the interval time and 
transistion modes can not be programed or changed. Interval time may vary based 
on the size/resolution of file.
Auto and Manual Rotation:
When taking pictures with most digital cameras, the Exchangeable Image File For-
mat (EXIF) includes the rotation (portrait or landscape) of the camera when the im-
age was taken. The picture frame will reconize the EXIF data and automaticlly rotate 
the image accordingly.  If your camera or image is not EXIF compatible, you have the 
option to use button #2 to rotate & pause the image shown on the screen.  Pressing 
button #4 will resume the slideshow.