Garmin 530 Guia Do Utilizador

Página de 198
Once the database has been acknowledged, the Instrument Panel Self-Test Page appears. To ensure that 
your GNS 530 and any connected instruments are working properly, check for the following indications on 
your CDI/HSI, RMI, external annunciators and other connected instruments:
• Course deviation - half left / no fl ag 
• Glideslope - half up / no fl ag
• TO/FROM  fl ag - TO 
• Time to destination - 4 minutes
• Bearing to destination - 135° 
• Desired track - 149.5°
• Distance to dest. - 10.0 nautical miles 
• Ground speed - 150 knots
• All external annunciators (if installed) - on
The Instrument Panel Self-Test Page indicates the currently selected OBS course, fuel capacity (CAP), fuel 
on board (FOB) and fuel fl ow (FF). The fuel capacity is entered manually. Fuel on board and fuel fl ow may 
be man ually entered if your installation does not include connection to sensors which au tomatically provide 
these fi gures.
To enter fuel capacity, fuel on board or fuel fl ow fi gures (if not provided by sensors):
1. Rotate the large right knob to select the “CAP”, “FOB” or “FF” fi eld.
2. Rotate the small and large right knobs to enter the desired fi gure, then press ENT.
Enter the fuel capacity, fuel on board or fuel fl ow 
fi gures directly onto the appropriate fi eld of the 
Instrument Panel Self-Test Page. Fuel on board 
and fuel fl ow are automatically provided if your 
installation includes connection to external sensors.
Instrument Panel Self-Test
Check CDI/HSI, 
RMI and other in-
struments to verify 
these indications.
Should match 
current OBS course 
Select to display 
Checklists Page
Select to Set Fuel Level 
to Full Capacity
Fuel Capacity is 
entered manually
Fuel on board and fuel fl ow are 
provided by sensors, if installed
i-60.indd   5
4/11/2003, 8:55:43 AM