Aethra d2000 lite Manual Do Utilizador

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/D2000Lite/D2000                                                                                USER’S MANUAL
Line rate: Select the line rate, in Kbit/s, used by the device to transmit data. Only if 
Clock RX = Internal and mode = DCE or NRZI (X.21). 
Flow control: Activate or deactivate the flow control. 
•  NO, management and checking of C108, C107, C105, C106 and C109 
criteria between DTE and DCE is disabled. 
•  HARDWARE, the device manages and controls the above mentioned 
Loop3 (C141): Set “YES” to ask to DCE to perform a local loop (LL) of the data. Only 
DTE mode. 
The loop (LL) request is supported only for V.35, V.36, and V.24 
synchronous interfaces. 
Reception Clock: Define the type of clock used to sample received data. 
•  DTE mode, select the external source for clock between C114 and C115. By 
default DTE uses C115 criterion. 
•  DCE mode, EXTERNAL CLOCK: The device samples received data with 
clock coming from DTE (C113). By default DCE uses C113 criterion. 
INTERNAL CLOCK: The device samples received data with clock referred to 
In DCE mode, data transmission clock is fixed at INTERNAL 
(C115 brought back over C114). 
In DTE mode, source for data transmission clock is the clock 
coming from DCE over C114 criterion brought back over C113. 
Clock RX phase: Select on which reception clock edge incoming data change, the 
device samples data on the opposite edge. By default the DCE switches data on the 
clock’s falling edge. Only DTE mode. 
Clock TX phase: Select on which transmission clock edge incoming data change, 
DTE samples data on the opposite edge. By default the device switches data on the 
clock’s falling edge. Only DCE mode. 
Byte timing: If  “Yes” in DTE mode, the equipment synchronizes itself with DCE’s 
byte timing. If “Yes” in DCE mode, the device sends a byte timing signal. Only for 
V.11 (X.21) interface. 
DCD (109): It sets the presence of C109 criterion. Only DCE. 
                           CHAPTER 3 - PERFORMING A MANUAL TEST