Aethra d2001 nx Manual Do Utilizador

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                                                                                        USER’S MANUAL 
Called number: Enter the phone number of the called party. 
•  Remote number to make a call to a remote user 
•  Own number to make an autocall 
Mode: Choose the Call mode. 
•  Outgoing, the instrument sends a X.25 call to another instrument. Once 
connected, the instrument generates X.25 data packets at the set speed.  
•  Incoming, the instrument waits for a X.25 call from another instrument. As 
soon as a compatible call is received, the instrument answers automatically 
and starts to generate X.25 data packets.  
Call request facility: Set to None or User. 
Call request user data: Set to None or User. 
Transmission speed: Set the transmission speed of the packets.  
Packet content: Set the contents of the data packets to be transmitted. Set together 
with the packet length. 
Packet length: Set the length of the data packets. Set together with the packet 
Echo received data: Activate or deactivate the echo on received data.  
QMD bits: Activate or deactivate the QMD bits for each transmitted packet. The Q bit 
indicates the transmitted packet as data or commands, the M bit indicates that the 
packet is the prosecution of a previously transmitted packet, the D bit indicates that 
the transmitted packet is acknowledged by the local network or the remote terminal. 
Window layer 3: Number of level 3 packets which can be transmitted without waiting 
for a reply ("3" by default). 
Own #: Number assigned to the X.25 access. It's indicated in the CALL REQUEST 
messages for outgoing calls. The instrument carries out a compatibility check on the 
incoming calls, unless the field is void.