GoVideo vr2940 Manual Do Produto

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unmodified Software will substantially 
conform to the Documentation and be free 
of physical defects, when properly used 
on the appropriate equipment. YesVideo 
does not warrant that the Software will meet 
Customer’s requirements or that operation 
of the Software will be uninterrupted or 
error-free. This warranty does not cover 
damage caused by improper use or neglect. 
The Technology is furnished “AS IS” and 
without warrant as to the performance or 
results that customer may obtain by using 
the Technology. To obtain the warranty 
service during the thirty day warranty 
period Customer may return the defective 
Technology with a description of the Problem 
to YesVideo. The defective Technology will be 
replaced during this period at no additional 
3.2 No Other Warranties. This limited warranty 
states YesVideo’s sole obligation, and 
Customer’s exclusive remedy if the Software 
does not conform to the Documentation. 
Except as specified in this Software 
License Agreement, YesVideo makes no 
express, implied or statutory warranties 
to Customer and disclaims all warranties 
of merchantability, fitness for a particular 
purpose and non infringement of third party 
rights. No other person is authorized to 
make written or oral warranties on behalf of 
YesVideo. If local law precludes the exclusion 
of implied warranties, such exclusion may not 
apply to customer.
will have no liability to Customer for any 
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or 
consequential damages (including but not 
limited to lost profits or loss of data or use), 
whether based in contract, tort, strict liability 
or any other legal theory, even if YesVideo 
has been advised of the possibility of or has 
knowledge of the potential loss or damages. 
No action, regardless of form, shall be 
brought by Customer against YesVideo more 
than one (1) year after the cause of the 
action has occurred. If the above exclusion 
of incidental and consequential damages is 
precluded by local laws, such exclusion may 
not apply to Customer. 
PURCHASES. The Software and 
Documentation are “commercial computer 
software” and “commercial computer 
software documentation,” respectively, as 
such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 of 
the Federal Acquisition Regulations (“FAR”) 
and its successors and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-
1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995) of the 
Department of Defense FAR Supplement 
and its successors. All U.S. government 
Customers acquire the Software and the 
Documentation with only those rights set forth 
in this Agreement.
6.1 Notices. Any notice required or permitted by 
this Agreement shall be in writing and shall 
be delivered as follows with notice deemed 
given as indicated: (i.) by personal delivery 
when delivered personally; (ii.) by overnight 
courier upon written verification of receipt; 
(iii.) by telecopy or facsimile transmission 
upon acknowledgment of receipt of electronic 
transmission; or (iv.) by certified or registered 
mail, return receipt requested, upon 
verification of receipt. Notice shall be sent 
to the addresses of each party’s corporate 
headquarters, or such other address as either 
party may specify in writing.
6.2 Assignment and Successors. This 
Agreement and the Technology may not be 
transferred, sublicensed, sold, or otherwise 
transferred by Customer without the prior 
written consent of YesVideo. This Agreement 
will bind and inure to the successors and 
assigns of Customer and YesVideo.
6.3 Disputes. This Agreement is governed by 
the laws of the State of California, without 
application of the principles of conflicts of 
laws. The United Nations Convention on 
Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 
shall not apply to this Agreement. In the event 
of a dispute, the prevailing party is entitled 
to recover reasonable legal fees and court 
9.7 Interpretation of Agreement. Neither the 
failure nor any delay of YesVideo to exercise 
a right, remedy or privilege under this 
Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, 
nor shall any single or partial exercise of 
a right, remedy or privilege by YesVideo 
preclude any further exercise of the same. 
The waiver by either party of a breach of or 
right under this Agreement will not constitute 
a waiver of any other breach or right. In the 
event that any provision of this Agreement is 
held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, 
the remaining provisions will continue in 
full force and effect. This Agreement may 
only be amended, modified or waived by 
written documents signed by authorized 
representative of YesVideo. This Agreement 
is the complete agreement between the 
parties regarding this subject matter and 
supersedes all previous or contemporaneous 
agreements, proposals and communications, 
written and oral. 
7 - Help (cont.)