Ricoh fx10 Guia Do Utilizador

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How to Create a Windows 3.1 Swap (Virtual Memory) File
  Setup and Installation - 6
How to Create a Windows 3.1 Swap (Virtual Memory) File 
To run OmniPage Limited Edition, it helps to have 8-12MB of free disk 
space set up as a Windows swap file (virtual memory). For best 
performance, use a Permanent rather than a Temporary swap file. 
The swap file acts as virtual memory disk space that is used as if it were 
volatile memory (RAM). Information is stored temporarily on disk 
rather than using RAM. This allows you to run more programs than you 
could with RAM alone. However, using virtual memory is slower.
For more information about virtual memory, see the Windows User’s 
Guide. For more information about the Windows swap file, or if you 
have any difficulty creating a swap file, see the chapter “Optimizing 
Windows” in the Windows User’s Guide.
To create an 8MB Windows swap file:
Close any open applications.
Double-click the Control Panel icon in the Main window of the 
Program Manager.
Double-click the 386 Enhanced icon to display the 386 
Enhanced dialog.
Click Virtual Memory... to display the Virtual Memory dialog.
Check the entry after Size.
• A swap file equal to or larger than 8192 is sufficient. Click Can-
cel to return to the 386 Enhanced dialog and click Cancel again. 
Close the Control Panels.
• A swap file that is smaller than 8192KB must be changed. 
Proceed to step 6.
Click Change>> to expand the dialog.
Select a new drive in the Drive drop-down list if you want the 
swap file to be somewhere other than on the default drive. 
If you cannot find a drive with 8192KB of contiguous free 
space, you need to delete files to free up space or “defragment” 
the disk by using the DOS 
GHIUDJ command.
Type at least 
 in the New Size edit box.
Click OK and exit the Control Panels.
10 Click Yes in the dialog that asks if you are sure you want to 
make changes.
11 Click Restart Windows. Do not press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart.