Newco moo-cafe Guia Do Utilizador

Página de 36
Cleaning & Sanitizing Instructions-cont’d
1. Remove the drip tray with grill and empty the contents. 
2. Wash and let dry the tray and grill (use a mild dishwasher detergent). 
3. Wash and let dry the dispense area. 
4. Turn the power switch to ON. 
Manually Flushing the Whipper Chambers 
1. Open the cabinet door. 
2. Place a container under each dispense nozzle and push the Auto Rinse button. 
Removing and Cleaning the Whipper Chambers 
1.  Remove the dispense cap by pulling it upward. 
2.  Grab and twist the whipping chamber clockwise and pull it off the 
mounting plate. 
3.  Pull the whipper blade off the motor shaft. Notice the flat keyway on the 
shaft and the matching keyway inside the whipper blade shaft.  It is 
important that these two keyways are lined up when re-assembling the 
4.  Slip off the slinger washer from the whipper chamber mounting plate. 
Clean slinger washer, whipper blade, motor shaft, whipper housing and 
dispense cap. 
5.  Reinstall making sure slinger washer is within 1/32” of whipper seat, but 
not touching whipper seat. (See illustration below and on page 