HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA8000 Series 1TB LTU T5362A Folheto

Códigos do produto
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The Bottom Line for RPCI: Improved Scalability and Performance,
Better Patient Care
With the HP infrastructure, Roswell Park Cancer Institute has a comprehensive
solution that provides scalable archiving of medical images and business data,
better application performance, and forms the backbone of a disaster recovery
plan. Emails can now be more easily retrieved, and HIPAA and other government
regulations are being met. Patient care has been improved, and the institute
will be able to attract better doctors and researchers due to a leading-edge IT
infrastructure. The HP infrastructure now allows RPCI to be proactive rather
than reactive when it comes to change.
The EVAs provide high-speed, reliable, easily scalable and easily manageable
storage for online PACS images, as well as business data. Because of their high-
speed access to data that is hosted on a storage device, rather than on the
server, they have improved application performance. In addition, Continuous
Access EVA allows RPCI to mirror the data on the EVAs, enabling it to pull
together pieces of its disaster recovery and business continuity plan.
The HP StorageWorks Cluster Extension (CLX) and clustered HP ProLiant servers
helps ensure business continuity by offering protection against system downtime
from fault, component failure and disasters. It enables flawless integration of
the remote mirroring capabilities of HP Continuous Access EVA with the high-
availability capabilities provided by the Microsoft Windows Server Cluster used
by RPCI, which provides the layers of security against errors and disasters. 
The HP Enterprise File Services (EFS) Cluster Gateway improves cluster perform-
ance. It allows applications to scale in a near linear fashion for improved perform-
ance and failover capabilities within the cluster.
Cumulative 5 Year Net Benefit ($000)
Year 1                  
Year 2               Year 3                   Year 4                 Year 5
Case Study Forum
R O I   C A S E   S T U D I E S
We pride ourselves on being one
step ahead of the technology 
curve, which helps us offer the 
best patient care and attract top
researchers. We make sure that 
we are proactive rather than 
reactive, and our partnership 
with HP ensures that we’ll always
be able to accomplish that.
JoAnne Ruh
Affinity Enterprises, LLC
RPCI’s bottom line for the project:
a projected, cumulative, five-
year net benefit of $7,530,619, 
driven by increased IT and staff 
productivity, efficiency gains, and
decreased downtime. The project
will have an ROI of 107%, and 
payback period of 22 months.