AgfaPhoto 1430 Guia Do Utilizador

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Thank you for purchasng ths AgfaPhoto dgtal camera. 
Please read ths manual carefully and keep t n a safe 
place for future reference.
© Copyrght 2011 RedDot Imagng All rghts reserved.
No part of ths publcaton may be reproduced, transmtted, 
transcrbed, stored n a retreval system, or translated nto 
any language or computer language, n any form, by any 
means, wthout the pror wrtten permsson of RedDot 
All trademarks mentoned n ths manual are used for 
dentficaton purposes only and are propertes of ther 
respectve owners.
Safety Informaton
Please read the followng mportant nformaton carefully 
before usng the product.
•  Do not take apart or attempt to servce the camera 
•  Do not drop or knock the camera. Improper handlng 
may damage the product.
•  Turn off the camera before nsertng or removng the 
battery and memory card.
•  Use only the type of battery that comes wth the 
camera. Usng other types of batteres may damage the 
camera and vod the warranty.
•  Do not touch the camera lens.
Please not expose the camera to harsh envronments 
such as mosture, or extreme temperatures, whch may 
shorten the lfe of your camera or damage the batteres.
•  Do not operate or store the camera n dusty, drty, or 
sandy envronments.