Canon Studio Solution Brochura

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From reception to invoicing, Canon’s Studio Solution gives you unprecedented integration and comprehensive
studio management in a completely scalable software package. Whether you are a one-person studio running
the software on a single laptop computer or a larger enterprise with multiple employees and networked
workstations, the workflow is streamlined, easy-to-use and professional, reducing business-related costs
while maximizing sales and profit potential. The intuitive interface simplifies staff training requirements,
and the cohesive modules lead you naturally and effortlessly from one step to the next, enabling you to
manage a highly efficient, automated, profitable studio.
Customer Information
Customer information is easily entered and automatically
linked to appointments, staff assignments, images,
sales history and billing.
Contact and Employee Information
Existing contact and employee information can be
quickly imported from the databases you already have.
Customer Databases
Business-building customer data, such as birthday
tracking and links to family members, can be entered
and used to generate reminders in a timely manner.
Staff and studio (shooting room) assignments can be
easily made via the intuitive calendar interface.
Automatic Reminder
Entries for reminder calls are automatically generated,
enabling you or your staff to contact clients in advance
of a scheduled shoot. This minimizes studio downtime.
Relational Database
A powerful relational database engine maintains
client information and tightly links all job elements
throughout the workflow.
SQL Database
Use of a standardized SQL (Structured Query Language)
database enables powerful reporting capabilities for
business analysis.
Business Reports
Business reports can be exported to external 
applications, such as spreadsheets and for use in
many accounting programs.
Permissions and Rights
Permissions and rights based access to the program facili-
tates employee management, prevents operational errors
and assures business security. The system administrator
can define and assign employee roles, and limit access
to specific studio operations based on those roles.
The Server-based system design makes the software
completely scalable to fit the size of any studio opera-
tions, small to large. Additional workstations can be
added at any time via standard Windows networking. 
Wired and Wireless Shooting
Canon EOS Digital SLR cameras can be connected to
Studio Solution via USB cable or WiFi wireless* using 
a simple camera setup interface.
* Requires an optional Canon Wireless
File Transmitter attached to the camera.
Live View Shooting
USB-tethered EOS cameras enable Live View 
composition at the computer screen with remote AF
and shutter release control.
Import Image
With USB- or WiFi-connected cameras, images are
automatically imported into Studio Solution.
Hot Folder
Image files can also be imported via a “hot folder”
setup or manually, such as via a memory card and
card reader.
Photo Library
Imported images are automatically cataloged, 
organized by job and linked to the customer and 
session within the database.
Automatic Renaming
Cataloged images can be renamed (with automatic file
renaming) for easier identification and to facilitate 
subsequent searches.
Photographer information, including keywords, can 
be entered for later use in database searches and
batch processing operations.
Full Integration with Database
Full integration of the SQL Database throughout the
entire Studio Solution workflow ensures that your
customer’s original images, finished orders and
invoice information are never separated from your
customers’ databases.
RAW and JPEG Workflows
Both Canon RAW and JPEG workflows are supported.
JPEG Shooting
For JPEG shooting, advanced Canon EOS Digital SLR
camera technologies, such as in-camera DIGIC Image
Processors, ensure breathtaking image capture. 
RAW Processing Workflow
Use of Canon Digital Photo Professional image processing
engine assures the highest image integrity — resolution,
color and dynamic range — in RAW workflows.
Shoot on green or blue
screen to drop subject
into different back-
grounds using Studio
Solution’s built-in,
easy-to-use green
screen (chroma-keying)
Sales Presentation Tools
Take advantage of powerful built-in sales presentation
tools to maximize sales of products and services.
Custom Product Packages
Custom product packages and
pricing; this information is
added to the database and
used during the shopping cart
ordering and invoicing process.
Slide Shows
Quickly and easily create high-resolution slide shows
for client presentation. Slide shows can be viewed on
a dedicated monitor or via a projector.
REALiS Projector
Using a REALiS Projector, images can be projected and
presented “life-size” showing the customer how they
would look in their home.
Background Music
Enhance the mood with background music. You can
select your own slideshow background music from a
folder on your computer.
Built-in proofing feature makes it possible to create
on-the-spot client proofs and “contact sheets” in a
variety of customizable formats.
Sales Presentation
Sales presentation mode uses a clean, uncluttered
interface that shows images in the best possible light.
Simulated Effects
Simulate print paper types to show your clients the
effects of print options, such as borders and paper
Dog Ear Feature
Images can be easily compared — the “dog ear” feature
creates a reference image for side-by-side comparison
to facilitate photo selection.
5-Star Rating System
Images can be tagged using a 5-star rating system for
subsequent sorting and purchase decision-making.
Logo Incorporation
Enhance your studio branding by incorporating your
logo on presentation screens.
Integrated Shopping Cart
Use the integrated shopping cart to build your customer’s
order as you are presenting photographs and package
options. The integrated shopping cart is automatically
updated with custom product and service packages
previously added to the database. You can elect to
show or not show pricing in the shopping cart.
A receipt can be automatically generated when the sales
presentation and ordering are finished.
Routing Orders
Orders are immediately routed for fulfillment.
Photo Workshop
The Photo Workshop module provides easy-to-use,
immediately accessible, image adjustment controls,
such as exposure, contrast and white balance.
More Options
Frequently used corrections and enhancements —
red-eye reduction, sharpening, black-and-white/sepia
tone/duotones and vignettes — can also be performed
within Photo Workshop.
Retouching Capabilities
Retouch Workshop is one click away. It provides
additional easy-to-use tools for advanced photo
editing, including:
• Exposure
• Contrast
• White balance
• Tonal Corrections
• Sharpness
• Blemish removal
• Red-eye removal
• Selection options
• Dodge and burn
• Clone tool
• Custom brushes
• Soft focus effect
Batch Editing
Batch editing is also possible: perform quick global
adjustments to multiple images from a shoot. You can
also save and automatically apply your adjustments to
other catalogs.
Roundtrip Editing
“Roundtrip” editing with Adobe Photoshop enables more
complex image manipulation without having to exit
Canon’s Studio Solution workflow environment. 
Non-Destructive Image Editing Workflow
The non-destructive image editing workflow ensures
that your original high-bit-depth, high-quality capture
data remains intact and available for future re-editing.
Easy-to-Use Interface
Consistent, simple interface from module to module
(Photo Library, Photo Workshop, Retouch Workshop) maxi-
mizes ease of use and provides a non-disruptive workflow.
Enhance to Upsell
Numerous built-in photographic enhancement tools
enable fast creation of high-quality, value-added
products for “upsell” opportunities.
Package Offerings
Large pre-installed library of borders and templates
can be easily modified or expanded to create new
product and package offerings.
Borders can be easily modified, for example, by changing
size, color and/or transparency, and by adding text.
Newly created borders can be added to library for easy
future reuse.
Built-in Library
Choose from a built-in library of green screen back-
grounds or import your own photographs and templates.
Combine Backgrounds and Templates
Combine backgrounds and templates (with added text, if
desired) to create highly customized offerings for your clients.
Templates for high-demand
specialty products — such
as sports trading cards and
holiday cards — are supplied
and pre-installed in the
library for immediate use.
Custom Templates
Templates are easily customizable — using composite
images, text and even barcodes — and can be saved in
the border library for reuse.
Easily “drop-out” green or blue screen images onto
different backgrounds using simple hue and threshold
adjustments that enable fine-tuning of the chroma-key
effect, facilitating clean, natural-looking edge transitions.
Picture Style
Full access to Canon EOS Picture Styles
provides customizable, convenient image
processing, delivering superb photo-
graphs with less time and effort on RAW workflows.
Efficient Printing
In-house print orders are automatically handled by
Studio Solution using the most efficient, cost-effective
method, based on the printers you have set up for use
on the network.
Printer Management
In-house Canon imagePROGRAF and PIXMA Pro printers
are automatically assigned jobs by Studio Solution on
the basis of optimized load sharing, required media
size and type and other customizable factors.
Image Nesting
Studio Solution print jobs sent to Canon imagePROGRAF
printers can take advantage of image nesting, which
creates composites of different-sized prints across
roll media to make the most efficient, waste-free use
of available media. Image nesting typically requires
the addition of sophisticated printer RIP systems.
Canon imagePROGRAF printers using Studio Solution
incorporate this nesting capability to save money,
time and maximize profits.
Queue Management
When using multiple printers, load sharing algorithms
are used to make sure all available printers are used in
the most efficient manner, avoiding long print job
queues whenever possible.
Image-Medium Synchronicity
Automatic routing of print jobs takes into account print
size and media surface so that, for example, a job that
requires glossy paper is not sent to a printer that has
only matte paper loaded.
Color Profiles
The underlying Canon image processing engine uses
ICC profile-based color management to maintain the
most accurate rendition and widest color gamut. By
updating profiles only when needed (e.g., whenever
a new media type is added), you can ensure the
best possible color reproduction, especially when
the output is to Canon professional printers.
Non-Canon Printers
Studio Solution supports output to non-Canon printers,
provided they are installed via standard Windows drivers.
Printer Alerts
The software will alert you whenever a printer requires
attention — such as for paper change or ink replenishment.
Constant monitoring of printers by an operator is,
therefore, not required. Your staff essentially needs
only attend to ink and paper replenishment.
Digital Delivery Options
Customers can order digital delivery options, such as
a customized slide show on disc or auto-resized image
files for later use on Web sites.
Outside Providers
Built-in support for and routing to outside output
service providers, including Labtricity and
Photoreflect, enable you to produce and sell products you
cannot fulfill in-house.
Invoices (which can include shipping costs and tax) can be
automatically generated once an order is placed.
Upon job completion, all image and work files (catalogs)
can be easily archived to offline media to free up space on
your primary workspace drives. Archived catalogs are fully
searchable and can be easily recalled for repeat business.
Business Reports
Studio Solution can generate comprehensive business
reports that help you analyze your operation, maximize
efficiency and stay in front of the competition.
Report Types:
• Employee Activity
• Employee Activity Export
• Employee Export
• Employee Schedule
• Employee Schedule Export
• Event Categories
• Event Categories Export
• Orders Summary Export
• Package Export
• Package and Products
• Products Export
• Sales by Package
• Session Trends
• Tasks by Type Export
Export .csv (Comma Separated Value) File
The internal SQL database engine produces reports that
can be exported as .csv files to other programs, such as
spreadsheet and financial applications.
Order Fulfillment
After you’ve finished refining your images and adding
all requested features, just tell Studio Solution to
print the order, and the rest is done for you. If you have more
than one Canon professional printer connected to your network,
Studio Solution will assign output in the most logical and efficient
way, sharing print jobs among several printers to save time,
and automatically routing specialized orders to the appropriate
device. Using Canon imagePROGRAF printers, Studio Solution
even adds print nesting capability to effectively minimize the
waste of paper, and maximize your profits.
The digital delivery (image files on a CD/DVD) portion of the order
is placed and the images going to an outside lab are prepared.
Canon’s Studio Solution
gives you full control over
your daily operations while 
dramatically simplifying
your work and making sure
you run a more efficient
business. Your studio projects, from start to finish, are managed
more easily, using an intuitive workflow that takes you from one
step to the next. Studio Solution empowers you to deliver the
highest quality product to your customers in the most timely
manner. It maximizes sales potential and helps you build the
trust on which you depend for future business. It is, decidedly,
a winning proposition.
The Booking
With Studio Solution running on your computers, you’ve
already entered all of the basic data crucial to running
your business — you’ve entered studio information and
company logo, you’ve imported your client contact lists,
entered staff members and their roles, along with all of
the products and services you offer. 
Now, merely by entering your new customer’s contact
information — along with any special requests or 
notes to your staff — you’ve started the process. 
Studio Solution both follows your customer and 
leads your staff from beginning to end, taking you 
step by step through a smooth workflow that will
get the job done with supreme efficiency.
A Simple, Efficient and Profitable Workflow
Making the Sale
Within moments after the last shot is taken, Studio Solution’s
powerful sales presentation tools allow you to convert your
images into a profitable order of products and services.
After a quick edit, you’re ready to sit your clients down in front
of a monitor — or better yet, a Canon REALiS projector — for a
slide show of their images. The show, easily created in Studio
Solution, presents your images in the best possible light — in
high resolution and with brilliant, accurate color. You can even
add background music to enhance the viewing experience.
You can use Studio Solution’s presentation features, such as
side-by-side image comparison, and a 5-star rating system
to help your customer narrow down their choices and make
their final decisions.
Enhance to Upsell
You can then enter an interactive presentation, during which you
show your customer how:
• Images can be enhanced by adding features, such as borders and templates.
• Prints on different media, like canvas or a matte surface, might look.
• Prints of different sizes might look in a room setting over a sofa or fireplace.
• Combinations of templates and backgrounds might be used to create value-
added items, like sports trading cards or calendars, and multipurpose the
captured images.
Throughout the presentation, as your customer makes purchase
decisions, you add products, services and various packages — all
previously entered into the database — into an integrated shopping
. Your customer decides on a package comprising different print
sizes, several extra prints with special border treatments, a family
calendar, a quantity of holiday greetings cards using custom back-
grounds and text, and a CD of image files suitable for use on a Web site.
When you’ve finished with the sale, you can immediately, and auto-
matically, print a detailed receipt for your customer to confirm the
order. This receipt includes all packages and additional products
and services ordered, plus taxes and
shipping costs as appropriate.
Picture Style
Slightly high
Slightly high
Slightly low
HIgh green - blue
None (monochrome)
Slightly high
Now you’re ready to use Studio Solution to take the
steps necessary to fulfill your customer’s order.
Most image adjustments and retouching, if required, are
easily accomplished within Studio Solution using the
Photo Workshop and Retouch Workshop tools. You, or a
member of your staff, can perform the most frequently
needed corrections and enhancements — including
background dropout on green screen shots — simply and without
ever leaving the Studio Solution environment. If more complex
work is needed, Studio Solution makes it easy to perform more
advanced adjustments via a quick roundtrip visit to and from
Adobe Photoshop
(must be installed on your computer) without
ever removing the image from your customer’s database.
You can also choose to capture JPEG images to take advantage of the
EOS Digital SLR’s superb internal image processing and make the best
use of memory card storage capacity. Studio Solution provides full
support for a JPEG-based workflow, using the same non-destructive
processing to assure the best possible image quality. 
Capturing images against a green screen backdrop is easy, letting
you use later the powerful chroma-keying capabilities built into
Studio Solution.
On Location
Over the weekend, the assignment was a wedding, and while you
could have easily shot wirelessly into your laptop using Studio
Solution, you chose to travel light and shoot everything to memory
cards. Studio Solution can handle this workflow as effortlessly as
if you were shooting in the comfort of your own studio.  
Images captured on-location are easily imported into the Studio
Solution library using a memory card reader. Once transferred, they
are automatically cataloged and added to your customer’s database,
where they await any further processing within Studio Solution,
just as with the directly transferred studio images.
The Studio Session
Each morning, your photographer logs into Studio Solution and sees
the day’s jobs and every assignment on their own calendar. It tells
them not only the time of each shoot but also the designated studio,
the nature of the job, and any special customer requests or require-
ments. This enables the photographer to choose the best equipment
for the job and ready any needed setups, such as a props or green
screen backdrops, well in advance of the customer session.
At the beginning of the session, the photographer simply tethers the
Canon EOS Digital SLR to the studio computer using a USB connection. 
This not only enables Live View shooting via the computer monitor,
but also immediately transfers every shot directly into the Studio
Solution Photo library. There, the images are automatically cataloged
and added to your customer’s database, ready for processing.
If you need more freedom, Studio Solution also makes it easy to
capture images wirelessly into the computer over WiFi using one of the
Canon WFT Wireless File Transmitter. Images are quickly transferred
into the Studio Solution database, and are then immediately available.
Studio Solution fully supports the capturing and editing of
Canon RAW files, making it possible to take advantage of
the higher bit depth, advanced Canon image processing
algorithms and the non-destructive editing capabilities
built into Studio Solution.