Netgear DG834v1 – ADSL Modem Router Manual De Referência

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Reference Manual for the Model DG834 ADSL Firewall Router
Protecting Your Network
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Firewall Rules
Firewall rules are used to block or allow specific traffic passing through from one side to the other. 
Inbound rules (WAN to LAN) restrict access by outsiders to private resources, selectively allowing 
only specific outside users to access specific resources. Outbound rules (LAN to WAN) determine 
what outside resources local users can have access to.
A firewall has two default rules, one for inbound traffic and one for outbound. The default rules of 
the DG834 are:
Inbound: Block all access from outside except responses to requests from the LAN side.
Outbound: Allow all access from the LAN side to the outside.
You can define additional rules that will specify exceptions to the default rules. By adding custom 
rules, you can block or allow access based on the service or application, source or destination IP 
addresses, and time of day. You can also choose to log traffic that matches or does not match the 
rule you have defined.
You can change the order of precedence of rules so that the rule that applies most often will take 
effect first. Se
 for more details.
To access the rules configuration of the DG834, click the Firewall Rules link on the main menu, 
then click Add for either an Outbound or Inbound Service.
Figure 4-4:  Rules menu