Cisco Cisco WebEx Meeting Center WBS29.11 White Paper

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Web Conferencing: Unleash the Power of Secure Real-Time Collaboration
White Paper
Cisco Public
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
The video-bridging capabilities are deployed in 
the same highly secure Cisco WebEx Cloud as the 
Cisco WebEx Meeting Center and uses the same 
industry-grade security controls (physical, network, 
infrastructure, and administrative). Video endpoints 
can join CMR Cloud–enabled meetings over Session 
Initiation Protocol (SIP) and H.323 for signaling and 
Real-Time Transport Protocol/Secure Real-Time 
Protocol (RTP/SRTP) media. CMR Cloud supports 
TLS transport for SIP and SRTP for media. When 
video endpoints join a CMR-enabled meeting over 
SIP/TLS, the media stream is encrypted 
through SRTP.
H.235 is used to secure H.323 connections.
Additionally, a site can be configured to require 
passcodes for joining CMR meetings using a 
video device.
Cloud Connected Audio
Cisco WebEx Cloud Connected Audio (CCA) 
is an end-to-end audio solution that uses your 
on-premises IP telephony network to provide an 
integrated audio experience for your Cisco WebEx 
meetings. Cisco WebEx CCA implements a Session 
Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk from your premises 
into the Cisco WebEx data center instead of using 
a traditional telephony connection. This solution 
provides the same integrated and intuitive user 
experience as all other Cisco WebEx audio options. 
However, by directly using your IP telephony 
network, Cisco WebEx CCA can provide more 
attractive audio pricing.
CCA is a fully encapsulated environment. Reaching 
it from the Internet or perpetrating any kind of 
an attack is extremely difficult. Although the 
infrastructure is shared, there is no intertenant 
routing, so malicious traffic from other tenants 
is blocked. Furthermore, traffic over the trunk 
is limited to routing protocols and UDP packets 
to desired Cisco WebEx infrastructure ports. 
The Cisco WebEx infrastructure is configured to 
receive traffic from preconfigured dial peers only.
CCA connectivity is established through point-to-
point private connections to the Cisco Collaboration 
Cloud. CCA circuits are terminated on dedicated 
customer ports.
Access control lists on edge routers and firewalls 
in both the customer’s and Cisco’s data centers 
secure the circuits.
CCA Service has segmented IP subnets, and only 
the Cisco WebEx Cisco Unified Border Element 
(CUBE) IP segment is advertised to customers. No 
customer has any visibility to another customer’s IP 
or CUBE. 
To conclude, Cisco WebEx CCA offers strong 
security without introducing unnecessary overhead 
to the traffic or encumbering the design.
Cisco WebEx Privacy
Customer Data Protection, Retention, and 
Cisco WebEx takes customer data protection 
seriously. We collect, use, and process customer 
information only in accordance with the 
. The 
 provides additional information.
Please note that Cisco WebEx was previously 
 to enable the transfer of EU personal 
data to the United States for processing. Cisco 
WebEx continues to adhere to the principles of 
notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data 
integrity, access, and enforcement. Following the 
ruling from European Court of Justice on October 
6, 2015, regarding the validity of Safe Harbor as 
transfer mechanism, Cisco has employed alternative 
means (that is, standard contractual clauses) to 
remain compliant with our legal obligations. We may 
participate in other approved frameworks as they 
are developed.
Where a customer has provisioned a Cisco WebEx 
site on a cluster that resides in a European data 
center, Cisco WebEx will not transfer customer data 
outside the EU.
Cisco WebEx will, pursuant to appropriate lawful 
transfer mechanisms, transfer the administrative 
data, support data, and telemetry data from the EU 
to United States (and where appropriate, to other 
permissible locations). The definitions of these 
categories of data are provided below.
This statement applies only to Cisco WebEx Cloud conferencing products for enterprise: that is, Cisco WebEx Meeting Center, Cisco WebEx 
Training Center, Cisco WebEx Event Center, and Cisco WebEx Support Center (including Cisco WebEx remote access). This statement does 
not apply to Cisco WebEx Meetings, which is an offering for individuals and small businesses sold through 
. The Cisco WebEx 
Meetings product does transfer customer data (recordings and files) into the United States (and beyond, where appropriate).