Cisco Cisco WebEx Meeting Center WBS31 White Paper

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Web Conferencing: Unleash the Power of Secure Real-Time Collaboration
White Paper
Cisco Public
© 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Cisco WebEx online solutions help enable global employees and virtual teams to 
collaborate in real time as though they were working in the same room. Businesses, 
institutions, and government agencies worldwide rely on Cisco WebEx solutions. These 
solutions help simplify business processes and improve results for sales, marketing, 
training, project management, and support teams.
For all of these companies and agencies, security is a fundamental concern. Online 
collaboration must provide multiple levels of security for tasks that range from 
scheduling meetings to authenticating participants to sharing documents.
Cisco makes security the top priority in the design, development, deployment, and 
maintenance of its networks, platforms, and applications. You can incorporate Cisco 
WebEx solutions into your business processes with confidence, even with the most 
rigorous security requirements.
This paper provides details about the security measures of Cisco WebEx and its 
underlying infrastructure to help you with an important part of your investment decision.
Note: The terms “Cisco WebEx” and “Cisco WebEx meeting sessions” refer to the 
integrated audio conferencing, Internet voice conferencing, and video conferencing 
used in all Cisco WebEx online products. Unless otherwise specified, the security 
features we describe pertain equally to all the Cisco WebEx applications discussed in 
this paper.
What You Will Learn
This paper describes the security features of Cisco WebEx® centers and related services. It discusses the 
tools, processes, and engineering that help customers confidently collaborate on the Cisco WebEx platform. 
The paper covers:
Cisco WebEx Meeting Center
Cisco WebEx Event Center
Cisco WebEx Training Center
Cisco WebEx Support Center (including Cisco WebEx Remote Access)
Cisco Collaboration Meeting Rooms Cloud
Cisco WebEx Cloud Connected Audio
Cisco WebEx Security Model
Cisco remains firmly committed to maintaining leadership in cloud security. Cisco’s Security and Trust 
Organization works with teams throughout our company to build security, trust, and transparency into a 
framework that supports the design, development, and operation of core infrastructures to meet the highest 
levels of security in everything we do.