Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX300 S6 VFY:R3006SX040IN/B7 Ficha De Dados

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 Fujitsu PRiMERGY RX300 s6 Dual sockEt 2 u Rack sERvER 
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FeatuRes anD BeneFIts
MaIn FeatuRes
DesIGneD FoR hIGhest PeRFoRMance neeDs
 Processor 5600 series with up to 6 core operation (up 
to 12 threads per socket with hyper threading), 12 MB shared cache, 
internal Memory Management unit (3 channels of DDR3 memory) and 
 turbo Boost optimization
Enhanced productivity thanks to latest cPu technology
DesIGneD FoR hIGhest eneRGY eFFIcIencY
Highly efficient power supply units with 92% efficiency and Cool-
safe™ system design
Energy-efficient operations reduce stress not only for the data center 
cooling system but also for the budget
DesIGneD FoR hIGhest RelIaBIlItY
hot-plug and redundant fans and power supplies, enhanced memory 
protection levels, modular RaiD 5/6 option
system reliability and highly available data even for your most 
demanding application scenarios
oPtIMIzeD FoR vIRtualIzatIon
up to 192 GB state-of the art DDR3 main memory, 7 Pcie Gen 2, sas 
2.0 support, support for latest virtualization technology 
Provides the performance and scalability to meet the demands of 
virtualized environments
solutIons FoR seRveR ManaGeMent
ServerView Suite - Proven tools for the efficient management of 
physical and virtual resources throughout the entire lifecycle: perfect 
installation - stable operations - secure updates - exact maintenance - 
easy integration into third party environments
The key to high-level IT benefits and reduced operational and service 
costs: greater reliability, lower downtimes and improved service quality