Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S670 Guia Do Utilizador

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Cisco AsyncOS 8.0.6 for Web User Guide
Chapter 8      Classify URLs for Policy Application
  URL Category Descriptions
Regular Expression Character Table
URL Category Descriptions
This section lists the URL categories for Cisco Web Usage Controls. The tables also include the 
abbreviated URL category names that may appear in the Web Reputation filtering and anti-malware 
scanning section of an access log file entry. 
In the access logs, the URL category abbreviations for Cisco Web Usage Controls include the prefix 
“IW_” before each abbreviation so that the “art” category becomes “IW_art.” 
Matches a single character.
Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression. 
For example:
[0-9]* matches any number of digits
“.*” matches any arbitrary string of characters
Matches the beginning of a line as the first character of a regular expression.
Matches the end of a line as the last character of a regular expression.
Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression.
Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding regular expression.
Matches the preceding regular expression or the following regular expression. For 
x|y matches either x or y
abc|xyz matches either of the strings abc or xyz
[ ]
Matches the characters or digits that are enclosed within the brackets. 
For example:
[a-z] matches any character between a and z
[r-u] matches any of the characters r, s, t, or u
[0-3] matches any of the single digits 0, 1, 2, 3
{ }
Specifies the number of times to match the previous pattern. 
For example:
D{1,3} matches one to three occurrences of the letter D
( )
Group characters in a regular expression.
For example:
(abc)* matches abc or abcabcabc
Literally interprets any characters enclosed within the quotation marks.
Escape character.