Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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Scripts for Unified CVP," for more information
about micro-applications.
This variable array returns information from the
external VoiceXML file. Must be configured
as Array variables, not Scalar variables, even if
the array length is set to 1.
"Writing Scripts for Unified CVP," for more
information about micro-applications.
Used by system to override the CLI field on
outgoing transfers.
Configurable on Unified
ICME. Maximum length:
200 characters.
Following the Menu (M), Get Data (GD) and
Get Speech (GS) micro-applications, Unified
The variable length
would normally be
CVP now returns information about the
execution of that micro-application.
configured as 62 bytes,
but if ECC space is
restricted, you can
configure it as 21 bytes. The User.microapp.metadata ECC variable is
structured as follows:
SIP Service will use REFERs when transferring
to the agents:
Maximum length: 1
y – Use REFER when transferring
n – Do not use REFER when transferring
Used to pass user-to-user information back to
Unified CVP from Unified ICME.
Configurable on Unified
ICME. Maximum length:
131 characters.
Using Metadata ECC Variables
Metadata ECC Variable
Following the Menu (M), Get Data (GD) and Get Speech (GS) micro-applications, Unified
CVP now returns information about the execution of that micro-application. The information
is returned in a new ECC variable called user.microapp.metadata. Its format is defined in
terms of a number of subfields, each separated by a vertical bar character (‘|’). Also, the subfields
are of fixed length in order to facilitate extraction either at reporting time or within the ICM
routing script itself.
Configuration and Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 4.1(1)
Chapter 2: - Configuration Overview
Using Metadata ECC Variables