Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.5(1)

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Cisco Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Release 3.0(0) Product Description
Chapter 5      CVP VoiceXML Server
VoiceXML Overview
Challenges with VoiceXML Development 
Despite the robustness and broad acceptance of VoiceXML as the new standard for voice applications, 
there are a number of challenges that developers face when deploying complicated systems, including: 
Requirement for dynamic VoiceXML – Many applications require the ability to dynamically insert 
content or to base business logic on data available only at runtime. In these cases, the VoiceXML 
must be dynamically generated. For example, an application that plays a “Good Morning / 
Afternoon / Evening” prompt depending on the time of day requires VoiceXML to be dynamically 
Voice Paradigm versus Web paradigm – There are many systems designed to manage dynamic web 
content or to automatically convert web content to other formats (such as for wireless phones). 
These systems, however, are not adequate for voice applications due to the fundamental difference 
between a voice application and a Web application. A web page is a 2-dimensional, visual interface 
while a phone call is a 1-dimensional, linear process. Converting web content to voice content often 
yields voice applications with lackluster user interfaces. 
Browser compatibility – Due to ambiguities and constant improvements in the VoiceXML 
specification, no two commercially available browsers accomplish various functions in exactly the 
same way. Developers must understand the variations between browsers when coding VoiceXML to 
ensure compatibility. 
Stateless nature of VoiceXML – Like HTML, VoiceXML is a stateless mark-up language. For 
applications that require the maintenance of data across a session, e.g., account or transactional 
information, or phone call, pure VoiceXML does not suffice. 
Complicated coding – Despite VoiceXML’s promise to simplify voice application development, the 
process of coding an application with dozens or hundreds of possible interactions with a caller can 
become quite complex. 
Limited back-end integration – Enterprise applications rarely operate in a vacuum. VoiceXML does 
not natively support robust data access and external system integration. 
OAM&P requirements – Operators of large-scale voice applications have significant requirements 
for administration, management, logging and (sometimes) provisioning. VoiceXML does not 
natively support most of these functions. 
Reusability – The larger a Web or voice application becomes, the more critical reusability becomes. 
This is even more pronounced in dynamic applications. VoiceXML simply provides the interface for 
a voice application, it does not encapsulate common application functionality into configurable, 
reusable building blocks. 
The CVP VoiceXML Solution 
To address the challenges, CVP VoiceXML Server provides a complete solution for rapidly conceiving, 
creating and deploying dynamic VoiceXML applications. In order to understand how to use CVP 
VoiceXML Server to build dynamic voice applications, one must understand the components of the 
system and how they work. This section presents a high-level overview of the CVP VoiceXML Server. 
The CVP VoiceXML Server Studio 
The CVP VoiceXML Server Studio is a drag-and-drop graphical user interface (GUI) for the rapid 
creation of advanced voice applications. The CVP VoiceXML Server Studio provides: