Cisco Cisco 4404 Wireless LAN Controller White Paper

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Cisco and Intel—Five Myths of Wireless Networks 
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other wireless business units. Intel expects that when the deployment is complete in 2006, 75 percent of campus employees will use the 
primary wireless network exclusively.  
Cisco and Intel Deliver Mature Wireless 
•  Cisco and Intel have combined their efforts to bring wireless technology from early adoption to maturation. Examples of this  
focus include: 
•  Founding members of the Wi-Fi Alliance to drive interoperability and increase market adoption of wireless networking. 
•  Relentless focus on standards development to deliver enhancements in wireless network features such as security,  
management, quality of service and throughput. 
Myth #5: Wireless provides no business value beyond mobile data  
Wireless technology is credited with improving the flow of information unfettered by the constraints of location or time. The impact of this has 
been improved productivity and faster and more effective decision making. Businesses are embracing the promise of wireless with the 
expectation that the technology will enable its employees to perform better. While several studies (and common sense) confirm that there is a 
relationship between pervasive business wireless deployments and improved employee productivity, wireless brings broader benefits to 
business. Using mobility, the business can become more agile and efficient by morphing traditional business applications to be mobility-aware.  
However, wireless networks alone are not what allow businesses to achieve these benefits. Mobility services enabled by the wireless LAN are 
the missing middle layer that connects the wireless network to business applications. Through mobility services, the wireless network not only 
improves employee productivity, but also creates new ways of doing business, improves efficiencies, and opens doors for expanded revenue 
Wireless LAN Mobility Services 
Wireless LAN mobility services are the interface between the wireless network and business applications. Services that are currently providing 
businesses with the most value include location, voice, guest access, and security services.  They are defined as follows: 
•  Location services—Locate any Wi-Fi device quickly to support enhanced network security, management, and troubleshooting, as well as to 
enable location-based applications through a rich, open API. 
•  Voice services—Extend the seamless mobility of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network to enable business communications using Wi-Fi clients 
with end-to-end quality of service (QoS) and manageability. 
•  Guest access services—Allow customers, vendors, and other non-employees to wirelessly access network resources, with privileges based 
on user type and physical location, without compromising the enterprise security. 
•  Security services—Unify wired and wireless security and ensure network information integrity by enabling location-based authentication and 
precise detection, identification, and prevention of wireless threats. 
The integration of wireless LAN mobility services into business logic significantly increases the value of the wireless network. The following are 
examples of emerging applications and benefits enabled by wireless LAN mobility services.  
Location Services 
•  Asset tracking—The business uses active RFID tags to quickly and accurately locate important assets. The types of assets to be tracked 
vary based on the industry. Examples of such tracked assets include heart monitors in hospitals, handheld scanners in retail locations, 
servers in data centers, and work-in-progress in manufacturing. 
•  Presence—Presence allows the network to adjust the delivery of its services based on the location and availability of the user. As an 
example, the network may elect to contact a user in a conference by text message instead of by calling in order to avoid disruption.  