Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for SAP 3.0 Guia Do Utilizador

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Cisco TEO—Process Automation Guide for Incident Analysis for SAP
Chapter 3      Getting Started Using the Automation Pack
  Managing Global Variables
Transaction Analyzer Report Location
If you have Cisco Tidal Transaction Analyzer installed, you use the Transaction Analyzer Report 
Location global variable to specify the URL for accessing the Tidal Transaction Analyzer reports folder. 
Step 1
In the Definitions view, click Global Variables in the navigation pane to display the variables in the 
Global Variables pane.
Step 2
Click the Filter by link and choose Automation Pack > Core Automation for SAP to filter for only 
the global variables that ship with the Core Automation for SAP automation pack.
Step 3
In the Global Variables pane, right-click the Transaction Analyzer Report Location global variable 
and choose Properties.
Figure 3-20
Transaction Analyzer Report Location Properties—General Tab
Step 4
In the Value text field, enter the URL to access the Tidal Transaction Analyzer reports folder in the 
following format:
http://<RSServerName>/ReportServer?/Tidal Transaction Analyzer - <TADatabaseServerName>
For  example:
http://RSServer01/ReportServer?/Tidal Transaction Analyzer - TADBServer
Step 5
Click OK to close the dialog box.