Cisco Cisco Prime Assurance Manager 1.1 White Paper

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Closing The Loop for Effective Network Operations Management:  
Cisco Prime Assurance Manager 
means to plan and maintain rules and policies for getting the best optimizations, maintaining visibility 
into performance in/through optimized links, and understanding just how effective optimizations that 
have put in place are on an ongoing basis.
Cisco Prime Assurance Manager includes features that help with all of  these challenges. The approach 
starts with the use of  Cisco Prime NAM, which collects flow data directly from Cisco WAAS and WAE 
deployments via the WAAS/WAE Flow Agent. This data is then forwarded to Cisco Prime Assurance 
Manager, which presents side-by-side analyses views of  precisely which applications are flowing across 
each link, which have been optimized versus which have not been optimized, and the before and after 
impact of  the optimization controls that have been deployed (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Cisco Prime Assurance Manager WAN Optimization Analysis view. 
This  flow  of   monitoring  data  delivers  real-time  visibility  across  all  optimized  segments,  regardless 
of  whether or not other instrumentation (such as NetFlow or a NAM) is present. It also allows for 
ongoing monitoring and tuning of  optimization controls, providing immediate feedback when controls 
are modified or updated. Finally, this visibility means that the role that WAN optimization plays in end-
to-end delivery can be added to problem isolation and root-cause analysis workflows.