Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Guia Da Instalação

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Appendix E 
Configuring the loadPIMS and BOSS Web Services 
4035749 Rev B 
Post-Upgrade Procedures for the loadPIMS and 
BOSS Web Services 
Add Back the Apache Allow and Deny Directives 
Important:  This procedure, as well as the remaining procedures in this appendix, 
are to be completed after the SR 5.0 upgrade. 
In Record the Apache Allow and Deny Directives (Optional) (on page 27), you 
recorded allow and deny directives from the following files: 
In this procedure, you will add these directives to two different files. 
Allow and deny directives from the /etc/apache2/conf/boss.http file will be 
added to the /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.loadPIMS.auth.conf file. 
Allow and deny directives from the /etc/apache2/conf/loadPIMS.https file will 
be added to the /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.bossreq.auth.conf file. 
1  Open an xterm window on the DNCS as root user. 
2  Type the following command and press Enter to make a backup copy of the 
original /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.loadPIMS.auth.conf file. 
cp /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.loadPIMS.auth.conf  
3  Type the following command and press Enter to make a backup copy of the 
original /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.bossreq.auth.conf file. 
cp /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.bossreq.auth.conf  
4  Open the /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.loadPIMS.auth.conf in a text editor. 
vi /etc/apache2/user-conf/SAIdncs.loadPIMS.auth.conf