Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Guia Da Instalação

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Appendix B 
Upgrade the xOD Client Software 
78-4004034-01 Rev C 
Upgrading the xOD Version in the SAM URL 
Before you upgrade the xOD client software, you must update the SAM URL for 
each xOD service to reflect the new software version. This process ensures that your 
DHCTs always have the latest version of the xOD client software. 
Note: You must complete this procedure at least 30 minutes before you begin to 
upgrade the xOD client. 
When a subscriber tunes to an xOD channel, SARA checks the xOD client version 
number that is installed on the DHCT against the xOD client version number that is 
recorded in the SAM. If these version numbers do not match exactly, the DHCT 
attempts to reload the xOD application. 
Important: When you update the SAM URL, make sure you update the version 
number for each xOD service, including those services on TIG channels. 
Complete these steps to update the version number in the SAM URL. 
1  Open an xterm window on the DNCS. 
2  Type doctor –g and press Enter to run the Doctor Report. The Doctor Report is 
3  In the Unused SAM URL Check section of the Doctor Report, look to see whether 
your system is at risk of exceeding the allowable bulk.tbl file size. A warning 
message appears if the bulk.tbl file size is greater than 45 KB, and an error 
message appears if the bulk.tbl file size is greater than 55 KB. 
The bulk.tbl file is typically less than 45 KB. Therefore, these warning and 
error thresholds have been established to provide you with ample warning 
before a problem with this file is encountered. 
For more information about the bulk.tbl file size, refer to Preventing 
Unexpected SAM Server File Errors (part number 4004155). 
Example:  bulk.tbl File Size Threshold Exceeded