Cisco Model D-PCG1000 PowerKEY CAS Gateway Referências técnicas

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Adding and Splitting QPSK 
Modulators for System Release 
2.7/3.7/4.2 and Later 
When cable service providers expand or upgrade services, it is often necessary to 
add new quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulators and QPSK 
demodulators to the Digital Broadband Delivery System (DBDS). As a part of the 
upgrade, it is also occasionally necessary to move certain set-top boxes that are 
provisioned on an existing QPSK modulator to a new QPSK modulator and 
demodulator. This procedure is often referred to as “splitting” QPSK modulators. 
Who Should Perform This Procedure? 
Adding new QPSK modulators and demodulators on the DBDS and splitting 
existing QPSK modulators must be performed with care. Do not attempt this 
procedure unless you are an experienced headend technician. 
When Should This Procedure be Performed? 
This procedure should be performed during a maintenance window of 
approximately 1 to 3 hours due to the need to reboot the set-top boxes affected by 
the split. 
System Release Version 
This document is written for sites operating System Release (SR) 2.7/3.7/4.2 and 
SR 2.7.1/3.7.1 or SR 4.2.1.