Cisco DNCS System Release 2.7 3.7 4.2 Guia Da Instalação

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Configure the EC System for Regionalization 
Standby EC Description — If a standby/secondary EC is present, you can 
optionally enter a description to identify the standby EC  
–  This is useful in identifying where the secondary EC is physically located. 
Cisco recommends that you use a location code (for example, ATL, SJC, 
and so on). 
–  Leave this field empty if there is no standby EC configured. If the 
primary EC crashes and the secondary EC becomes the primary EC, this 
description field moves to the Primary EC Description field by the 
RepDb process. 
Standby EC Timezone — (Optional) Defines the timezone where the 
standby EC is located  
Note: Leave this field empty if there is no standby EC configured. 
Standby EC IP — The IP address of the standby EC, if a standby EC exists  
Note: Leave this field empty if there is no standby EC configured. 
ECS Group ID — Enter the ECS group ID  
Pending Registration Timeout — The timeout period for which the 
registration request stays pending if not acknowledged by the ECS. If a 
response is not received within this period, the request will time out and the 
operator has to click the Retry button. 
Management Console Controller IP — The IP address or hostname of the 
Videoscape Control Suite Management Node  
Management Console Controller Port — Port on which the Management 
Console Controller restful interface is listening. It is usually 8200, which is 
the default.  
BOA URL — Contains the protocol (http/https), destination host (and 
optional port), as well as the URL string to proxy BOSS requests to the BOA 
when regionalization is enabled. It is usually
BOA Timeout — How long the cloud proxy waits for a response from BOA 
before timing out  
4  Click Save. The following results occur in the lower area of the WebUI: 
Registration Status  indicates the current status of the EC registration (a 
successful registration will indicate Registered
Status Comment indicates the current state of the EC registration (if 
registration is successful to the ECS, the comment displays Successfully 
Last Updated Time indicates the time in which the EC was successfully 
registered to the ECS