Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option

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Attributes Tab
Allows you to view and (if you have maintenance access) to define, edit, or delete the attributes
of the selected network VRU script.
Table 47: Attributes Tab Descriptions
An enterprise name for the VRU script. This name must be unique for all VRU
scripts in the system.
Name (required)
(selection list) The network VRU associated with the VRU script.
Network VRU (required)
The number by which the script is known to the VRU.
VRU script name (required)
The number of seconds Unified ICM will wait for a response after directing the
routing client to run this script. If Unified ICM does not receive a response from
the routing client within this time, it assumes the VRU script has failed.
Timeout (seconds) (required)
A string to be passed to the VRU when the script is invoked.
Configuration param
(selection list) The customer associated with the VRU script, if any.
Checked, indicates the script can be interrupted (for example, if an agent becomes
available to handle the call).
Checked, indicates the script can make itself interruptible or non-interruptible.
Any additional information about the VRU script.
Security Tab
Visible only on partitioned systems and enabled only on records for which you have maintenance
VRU Currency List Tool
This tool allows you to list the VRU currencies currently defined in the Unified ICM database,
to define new ones, and to view, edit, or delete the records of existing ones.
Select Filter Data Box
Use the Select filter data box (see the "
additional information) to select and retrieve data from the database. Until you retrieve database
data, no data is displayed.
VRU Currency List Box
Lists the VRU currencies retrieved and or created in the current editing session. The tabbed
field on the right side of the window displays the name of the selected VRU currency.
Configuration Guide for Cisco Unified ICM/Contact Center Enterprise and Hosted Release 8.0(2)
Chapter 11: Network IVRs/VRUs
VRU Configuration Tools