Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Nota De Lançamento

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Figure 28: Day of Week Properties
You can define multiple output connections from the Day of Week node and associate each
with one or more days of the week.
You must insert targets and connections from the Day of Week node before you can define the
node's properties.
Define Day of Week node properties as follows:
1. For each branch listed in the Connection list, check the days of the week in which
processing should continue on that branch. To check the day for that connection, left-click
in a spot in the grid corresponding to that connection and day. A check mark appears in
the grid.
You can associate each day of week with exactly one connection. However, you can
associate each connection with one or more days of the week.
2. Optionally, add comments and connection labels.
Note: If you delete a connection, the day of the week information you specified in the Properties
dialog box is also deleted.
Categorizing by Branching
Within a script, you can create multiple branches to direct script processing based on certain
conditions. Branching allows you to use a single script that will process contacts differently
depending on data associated with the contact, or on conditions at the contact center.
For example, you can design a script named "EMAIL_SCRIPT" that processes all requests to
route e-mail messages. Within that script, you can detect if the e-mail message was marked as
"Urgent" by Cisco E-Mail Manager. If the message was marked as "Urgent", the script can pass
ICM Scripting and Media Routing Guide Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 3: - Categorizing Contacts
Categorizing by Branching