Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 4.3.2 Manual Técnico

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In Cloud Portal, go to Service Item Manager > Manage Standards > Service Options >
OS Systems
Click Add New and enter information specific to the new operating system. Click Save to
keep your changes. For example, to add an OS System for Ubuntu 12.04 x64, enter Linux as
the OS Type and Ubuntu 12.04 x64 as the OS System.
Configuration Steps in Process Orchestrator
The following Process Orchestrator extension points are described in this document:
Create Virtual Machine >> Other - Ubuntu and Windows 7
Customize Virtual Machine >> Other - UNIX
Extending Process Orchestrator Processes Using Extension Points
IAC features editable processes called Extension Points that are integrated into the content,
allowing the ability to extend its functionality. The TAP named
IAC_OS_Extension_Point_Examples.tap contains both Extension Point examples mentioned
above. They are identified by the presence of '>>' within the name of those processes. To use
these Extension Points, create child processes that contain custom workflows and insert them into
the Extension Point. Below is an illustrated example of how to do this. Cisco does not recommend
adding anything other than child processes directly to the workflow of an Extension Point.
Install the Extension Points in Process Orchestrator as follows:
In the Process Orchestrator console, go to Administration > Automation Packs > Import
(right mouse), and import the automation pack into Process Orchestrator.
Edit the relevant extension point process (for example, Create Virtual Server >> User
Find the desired child process by selecting Processes from the Toolbox on the left of the
Process Orchestrator console, and drag the child process into the workflow.
Click Save and close the edit window.
Modify Extension Point: Create Virtual Machine >> Other - Ubuntu and
Windows 7
To support additional operating systems for the Order a Virtual Machine and Install OS service,
you will need to modify this extension point. Any VMWare supported OS can be used when
utilizing this service. However, OS customizations are only "officially" supported for built-in
standard OSes. To extend customization support for additional OS types, open the Create Virtual
Machine Other
 process (Note: For context see the parent process: Create Virtual Server). You can
use the existing workflow in Create Virtual Server as a guideline for constructing your own
workflow to support additional OSes.
Modify Extension Point: Customize Virtual Machine >> Other - UNIX
To support additional operating systems for the Order a Virtual Machine from Template service,
you will need to modify this extension point. Any VMWare supported OS can be used when
utilizing this service. However, OS customizations are only "officially" supported for built-in