Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 4.1

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Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud Release Notes
  Known Issues
The Standby node name will contain the “HA” string and the Active node name must not contain it. 
Make sure the Tenant Acronym name does not contain the “HA” string.
Virtual Network Service Resource vNIC Provisioning
Creating organizational workflows is dependent on placing vNICs (Virtual Network Interface Cards) in 
the Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth for a time (at various stages) of/during Virtual Network Service 
resource vNIC provisioning. Overall we are hitting the max-ports default of 32 on the 
unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth port-profile
 (as per ‘port-profile default max-ports 32’) much sooner 
than the overall port usage limits of the system. 
Ensure the ‘vethernet’ port-profile 
vethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
 (not the uplink) is 
configured for adequate ports by increasing the max-ports from 32 to a higher value (for example, 1024).
port-profile type vethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
max-ports 1024
Enable CSR License Sleep Timer and the ”Cloud CSR License Sleep Time“ Global Variable
The Enable CSR License process has a sleep timer which is now referencing a Global Variable versus 
being an integer value in the activity. The default is 120 seconds. 
However, this can be modified according to your environment’s needs based on how long the CSR takes 
to reboot after enabling CSR license.
Bug CSCuq87088, Part 1
It is possible that the customer is using a new version of Nexus 1000v-5.2.1.SV3.1.1 with PNSC 3.2(2b) 
version. During platform element discovery of N1Kv, the workflow will fail at “Retrieve Policy Agent” 
process at activity “Query dir for Policy Agent” with “dir bootflash:/// | grep vnmc” command. In the 
latest version of N1Kv, cisco has changed the PNSC plug in name to vsmcpa.3.2.2b.bin. Since the PO 
code is looking for specific string vnmc, it is not able to find a match and hence the network discover 
will fail.
To avoid the problem, a PO Global Variable called “PNSC Plugin Name” has been created to allow 
flexibility to change the PNSC plugin name, if required.