Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guia Da Instalação

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WebView Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 11      Troubleshooting Tips
  Job Scheduler
Job Scheduler
Job Scheduler Does Not Work 
Are Terminal Services Running on the Client?
Make sure there are no terminal services running on the machine where the scheduled job is going to be 
Does the User Have Access to a Printer?
Make sure the user has access to a printer.
Does the User have Minimum Rights?
Verify that the local system account has minimum local security policy privileges.
To do this, follow this procedure:
Step 1
Click Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
Step 2
In the left tree, navigate to Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
Step 3
In the right pane, locate each of these privileges:
Act as part of the operating system
Adjust memory quotas for a process
Bypass traverse checking
Create a token object
Replace a process-level token
Step 4
For each privilege listed in Step 3, perform the following actions:
Right-click the privilege and select Security...
Click Add.
If the local machine is not listed as being assigned the privilege, add the local machine account to 
the privilege and click OK.
Is ActiveX Enabled?
To view graphical reports and to use the WebView Job Scheduler, you must enable all ActiveX Controls 
and plug-ins in the browser's Security Settings. 
 for the procedure to ensure that these settings are 
Is Fast User Switching Disabled on the Client?
Make sure that Fast User Switching (FUS) is disabled on the machine where the scheduled job is going 
to be run on.