Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Referências técnicas

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The system software updates the real-time tables in the database every ten seconds. Real-timedata
includes information about what is happening right now (for example,
CallsQNowandExpectedDelay). It also includes summary information:
on a rolling five-minute basis (for example, CallsIncomingTo5 and AvgTalkTimeTo5).
Therolling five-minute data employs a "sliding" five-minute window.
for the last half-hour (for example, CallsRoutedHalf and CallsAbandQHalf).
since midnight (for example, CallsOfferedToday and CallsHandledToday).
ICM/IPCC software generates historical information on five- and 30-minute intervals, with the
first interval beginning at midnight. For example, ICM/IPCC software adds a new row for each
Route to the Route Five Minute table every five minutes. ICM/IPCC software adds a new row
for each Route to the Route Half Hour table every 30 minutes. Some of the information for the
historical tables is derived from accumulation fields in the real-time tables. For example, at the
end of each five-minute interval, the value from the CallsOfferedTo5 field in the Route Real
Time table is copied to the CallsOfferedTo5 field of the Route Five Minute table.
Each five- and 30-minute row contains a field for the date-time. The time stored in this field is
the time at the start of the interval. For example, a Service Five Minute row for the interval from
10:00AM to 10:05AM contains the time 10:00AM. However, some fields within the table
contain a snapshot of data from the end of the interval. For example, the CallsQNow field of
the Service Five Minute table contains the number of calls queued at the end of the five-minute
period. Therefore, the Service Five Minute row with the time of 10:00AM tells you the number
of calls queued at 10:05AM. To find the number of calls queued at 10:00AM, look at the Service
Five Minute record for 9:55AM.
Call Detail Data
Each time ICM/IPCC software processes a routing request, it generates a Route Call Detail row
that contains information about the request and routing decision it made. Each row includes the
day on which the request was handled and a key value generated by ICM/IPCC software that
is unique among all requests handled that day. These two values together comprise a unique
identifier for the call.
When ICM/IPCC software receives information that a call is completely done (that is, for
example, it has been routed to a peripheral, handled by an agent, and disconnected), then a row
about the call is written to the Termination Call Detail table. The Termination Call Detail row
indicates the agent, skill group, and service that handled the call. It also contains information
such as how long the caller was on hold, whether the call was transferred to another agent after
the initial routing, and so forth.
If the call was sent to a translation route, the Termination Call Detail row contains the same
day and router key values as the Route Call Detail row for the same call. You can use these
fields to link the tables and find all the call detail information for a single call. This process is
called cradle-to-grave call tracking.
Database Schema Handbook Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.2(2)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Real-time and Historical Data